標題: ⽂化認同對消費者購買品牌服飾意願之研究 — 以臺北市⼤專院校學⽣為例
The Influence of Cultural Identity on Consumer’s Purchase Intention for Brand Apparel — The Case of College Students in Taipei City
作者: 呂洛帆
Lu, Luo-Fan
Chen, Quang-Hua
Kao, Kuo-Yang
關鍵字: ⽂化認同;品牌服飾;購買意願;產品屬性;產品預期;知覺品質;情感性價值;Cultural Identity;Brand Apparel;Purchase Intention;Product Attribute;Product Expectation;Perceived Quality;Emotional Value
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 在當今全球化的世代,⼈們透過各⽅管道取得他國流⾏、飲⾷、⽂藝、影視等訊息,在⽣活層⾯、習慣乃⾄價值觀早已交融不同的⽂化成分。⽂化流通的普及,使⼈們愈趨了解所喜愛的國家,並逐漸將喜愛轉變為⼀種⽂化認同。

Adidas、Uniqlo 等他國知名品牌服飾。⽽究竟,台灣民眾對於他國的品牌服飾購買意願,是否受到其對於服飾來源國的⽂化認同影響?會不會因為喜愛美國⽂化,從⽽提升購買美國品牌服飾的可能性?同時,消費者是否會因為某些品牌服飾來⾃於其喜愛的國家,⽽產⽣良好的產品預期,認為服飾具有較佳的品質?消費者購買服飾時,所注重之服飾產品屬性⼜為何?基於上述動機,透過線上問卷調查⽅式,共回收496 份有效問卷進⾏相關統計分析,希望藉由本研究來探討⽂化認同、購買意願、產品預期、產品屬性與⼈⼝統計變數之間的關聯性。


In today’s globalized world, people obtain lots of information from other countries through many channels. For instance, fashions, dietary habits, literatures, arts, entertainments, etc.. There are lots of different cultures integrated into our daily lives and even value. Cross-cultural circulation becomes common, so that people understand more about their like countries, and gradually change it into a kind of cultural identity.

Recently, top clothing brands from all over the world continuously and positively set up the stores in Taiwan, people can easily get brand apparel such as Nike, Adidas, Uniqlo, among others. Whether the purchase intention of foreign brand apparel affected by attitude toward the cultural identity of an apparel’s country of origin? Will Taiwanese customers raise the possibility to buy American brand apparel due to their cultural preference? Simultaneously, if apparel made in their favorite countries, will customers have good expectation for it? and what kinds of apparel’s attributes do they care about? Based on above motivations, a total of 496 valid questionnaires were collected through online questionnaire survey, and use IBM SPSS Statistics 23. It’s hoped that this study will explore the relationship between cultural identity, purchase intention, product expectation, product attributes and demographic variables.

According to the results, the higher degree of their like countries’ cultural identity of the college students in Taipei City, the higher purchase intention of that country’s clothing brand they have; there is highly positively correlation between product expectation and cultural identity; the students in Taipei City have higher degree of concern for the aspects of apparel' s attributes such as “Life trends and fashion signals”, “The perception of apparel’s intrinsic functions”, “Connection with life environment” and “The perception of apparel’s extrinsic functions”, they will have higher degree of cultural identity in their like countries; when the students have higher degree of concern for the aspects of apparel’s attributes such as “Life trends and fashion signals”,”The perception of apparel’s particular style”, “Connection with life environment” and “The perception of apparel’s extrinsic functions”, they will have higher purchase intention of clothing brand from their like countries.

In the demographic analysis, there were significant differences between men and women in the aspects of cultural identity such as “Social interactions” and “Openness to and desire to emulate”, in the purchase intention of clothing brands from like countries, in emotional value of apparel, in the aspects of apparel’s attributes such as”The perception of apparel’s extrinsic functions” and “Apparel’s price and discounts”; there were significant differences between different age groups in the aspect of “Social interactions”; there were significant differences between different academic degree groups in the aspects of cultural identity such as “Self-identification with global consumer culture”, “Social interactions” and “ Openness to and desire to emulate”, in the aspect of apparel’s attributes such as “Life trends and fashion signals”; there were significant differences between number of different family members in the aspect of cultural identity such as “Language exposure”; and there were no significant differences between different disposable income groups.

Finally, according to the results, if new clothing brand want to enter into Taiwan Market, the brand can maybe develop marketing strategies referring to cultural identity, and it can also aim at the apparel’s attributes which are cared by different age and gender consumers, then strengthen and promote it, increase purchase intention of brand apparel and thus increase revenue.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453116