標題: 台灣智慧型紡織品之行銷商業模式研究-以A公司為例
The Study on marketing business model for Smart Clothing-The case study of A-Company
作者: 康琦婌
Kang, Chi-Shu
Chung, Hui-Min
Huang, Kuan-Cheng
關鍵字: 智慧型紡織品;smart clothing
公開日期: 2017
摘要: A公司以傳統的紡織技術結合金屬纖維生產「智慧型紡織品」,再以產品生活化為主要項目,開發與設計多項系列產品,讓科技便利更貼近生活的每個層面與角落。A公司並以T公司集團多年的紡織豐厚基礎,導入紡織產業整合的創新思維,為業界灌注嶄新的發展精神。此外,A公司之產品及設計以居家安全、健康照護、情境營造、便利生活、環保節能作為五大主軸。設身處地為消費者打造一個舒適的「智慧型紡織品」系統,提供友善、體貼、簡易的操作介面,發展出台灣紡織業的新未來。 依據本論文的研究,成功地由PEST分析,SWOT分析,配合A公司的行銷案例分析,訪談有關於智慧型織品的專家學者,推導出適合A公司的策略規劃,進而架構出商業模式,最後歸納出創新行銷模式,在物聯網日益興盛的時代,深度融合各種思維,創造出新一代智慧型織品的新紀元。
In 2009, the idea of joining textiles and electronics became a reality with the beginning of the A Company that was born as a department of T Group. For years A company has been setting the standards in the Smart Clothing industry and, in 2012, A Company emerged as a subsidiary company. Based in Taiwan and with years of industry know-how, A Company is where electronics merge with textiles to create fashionable, functional, comfortable solutions to meet every day needs; whether it's in sports & fitness, outdoor & leisure, home & leisure, home care & health care. A Company has the drive and capability to make Smart Clothing concepts into reality. According to the research of this thesis, Company A has successfully analyzed the analysis of PEST and SWOT , cooperated with the case study from the marketing events , and the interview with the experts and scholars in various aspects from smart materials and intelligent fabrics, and deduced the strategic plan for Company A, then constructed the business model. Finally, Summing up the innovative marketing and business model to go with the prosperous Internet of Things era , to create a new generation of e-textile and smart clothing applications.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463072
Appears in Collections:Thesis