Title: | 以關鍵鏈專案管理方法為基礎探討專案無法如期完成之因素 Explore factors that project can not be completed on schedule based on the Critical Chain Project Management |
Authors: | 翁如屏 李榮貴 Weng, Ju-Ping 管理學院工業工程與管理學程 |
Keywords: | 專案管理;關鍵鏈專案管理;project management;Critical Chain Project Management |
Issue Date: | 2016 |
Abstract: | 面對快速變遷的全球競爭環境、日益複雜的經營環境,讓專案管理處理獨特、暫時性工作的能力越顯重要。台灣企業花了許多時間、人力及金錢引進專案管理系統,然而放眼業界專案的達交率表現卻沒有太大的進步,專案延遲、搶奪資源、加班超時等情況還是非常嚴重。 以色列著名的物理學家及企管顧問Dr. Eliyahu M. Glodratt在1977年提出關鍵鏈(Critical Chain),成功的將限制理論(Theory of Constraints, TOC)引用至專案管理領域,讓專案可以在短期內獲得顯著的改善。關鍵鏈專案管理(Critical Chain Project Management,CCPM)是多專案環境下化解資源衝突、控管任務、資源及時間以確保每個專案準時完成的系統化方法,讓管理者知道應該專注的重點,來因應專案中的不確定因素,為專案管理界幾十年來最大的突破。近年來關鍵鏈專案管理方法被歐美許多重視專案管理、重視專案是否準時完成的企業所採用,包括HP Camera Group、SIEMENS、BOSCH、NASA、Delta Air Lines等上百家知名企業,著重的改善重點都在於以有效的專案時程管控來提升專案績效,大幅提升準時完成率、縮短開發週期、有效控制成本、以及提升研發產值。 因此,本研究以關鍵鏈專案管理方法為基礎設計問卷,調查台灣目前執行專案之狀況,結果顯示台灣專案管理與關鍵鏈專案管理的做法確實有落差,包括無法正確估計專案時間、不了解要徑及關鍵鏈之重要性、誤以為多工作業可以增加效率及產出、專案排程之觀念錯誤,最令人擔憂的是將專案無法準時完成之原因歸咎於外在因素,且不明白其專案管理方法有誤。而且從結果可看出,即使是工作年資10年以上的資深員工,也會與資淺員工犯相同的錯誤,可見台灣員工對於專案管理之認知存在許多根本上的錯誤,是無法從經驗中學習。台灣企業可使用本研究問卷徹底找出員工執行專案的錯誤觀念及行為,並給予適當的教育訓練,才能有效的改善目前專案逾期嚴重的問題,若能夠優於競爭者,保持專案都不逾期也是公司的競爭優勢之一。 In the rapidly changing global competitive environment and in an increasingly complex business environment, it is significant important that the enterprises have the ability to manage project and process the unique temporarily work. Taiwan’s companies spend a lot of time, manpower and money to introduce the project management system, however most companies’ projects delivery performance was not much progress. The situations of project delays, rob resources, and work overtime are still very serious. The famous Israeli physicist and Business consultant Dr. Eliyahu M. Glodratt proposed “Critical Chain” in 1977, successfully cited Theory of Constraints to project management, so that the project can be improved obviously in a short time. CCPM is a systematic approach to resolve resource conflicts, make sure each project is completed on time in a multi-project environment. CCPM let managers know what they should focus on to response to uncertainties in the project. CCPM is the biggest breakthrough in decades in the field of project management. In recent years, CCPM is adopted by a lot of enterprises on Europe and USA, including hundreds of well-known enterprises such as HP Camera Group, SIEMENS, BOSCH, NASA, Delta Air Lines and so on. Those enterprises focus on controlling the process of projects effectively to improve project performance, significantly increasing projects delivery performance, shorten the development cycle, to effectively control costs, and enhance research and development value. This research designed a questionnaire based on the CCPM concept to evaluate the current status of the implementation of the project in Taiwan, and it showed that there is a gap, including the inability to correctly estimate project time, do not understand the importance of critical path and critical chain, mistaken multi-tasking can increase the efficiency and output, the wrong concept of project scheduling, and wrong project management method. From the results, we can see even if a senior staff who works more than 10 years, may make the same mistakes as the junior staff will do. It shows that Taiwan’s staffs have wrong cognition about project management, and it is unable to learn from experience. Taiwan’s companies can figure out the misconception of staffs through this questionnaire, and provide appropriate education and training to effectively improve the current problem of project delay. It could be a competitive advantage if a company could maintain all projects completed on schedule. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070063301 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/140796 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |