標題: 自製實體教具融入教學對國中學生學習態度與學習成就影響之研究-以國中七年級生物科為例
The Study of the Effects on Student's Learning Attitude and Learning Progress by Using Homemade Practical Teaching Tools in Junior High School Education - Using Grade 7 Biology as an Example
作者: 黃培煖
Huang, Pei-Xuan
Lee, Jong-Eao
Yu, Chi-Jer
關鍵字: 中學生;實體教具;生物科;偏鄉教育;Junior High School Student;Practical Teaching Tools;Biology;Remote Area Education
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究之目的為探討將自製實體教具融入國中七年級生物科的教學方式,對學生學習態度以及學習成就的影響如何。 研究對象為新竹縣某偏鄉國中的七年級兩個班學生共47人,挑選「呼吸系統」與「細胞的分裂」兩個單元,編制學習成就測驗卷與學習態度量表分別對實驗組與控制組學生進行前測、後測及延後測,再將各項資料進行單因子共變數分析與成對樣本t檢定,並且針對實驗組學生進行訪談,來深入了解自製實體教具融入教學對學生產生的影響。 整理分析後發現: 1.對於高分群學生而言,是否融入自製實體教具進行教學,實驗組與控制組學生之學習成就與學習態度表現無顯著差異。 2.對於中分群學生而言,是否融入自製實體教具進行教學,實驗組與控制組學生之學習成就表現無顯著差異,但實驗組學生之學習態度則有正面提升,尤其在學習動機與信心層面具有正面顯著差異。 3.對於低分群學生而言,是否融入自製實體教具進行教學,實驗組學生之學習成就與學習態度表現均優於控制組。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects on junior high school student's learning attitude and learning progress by using homemade practical teaching tools in grade 7 on Biology. The objects of the study are 47 junior high school 7th - graders, in remote area of Hsinchu County. Using two chapters, “Respiratory System” and “Mitosis and Meiosis” , and making achievement test and attitude scale for the objects. Then analyzing the data by ANCOVA and Paired-Samples T Test. In addition, researcher have a conversation with the experimental group to realize the effects on their learning progress and learning attitude. After data analysis : 1.For groups of high grade students, there is no significant difference between experimental group and control group in learning attitude and learning progress, whether to learn by using homemade practical teaching tools or not. 2.For groups of medium grade students, there is no significant difference between experimental group and control group in learning attitude and learning progress, whether to learn by using homemade practical teaching tools or not, but experimental group of students increase their learning attitude effectively, especially there is significant difference in learning motivation and confidence. 3.For groups of low grade students, whether to learn by using homemade practical teaching tools or not, learning attitude and learning progress of experimental group are both better than control group.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070452813