標題: 中學生網路資訊驗證課程設計暨教學實驗研究
The Design, Development and Evaluation of Internet Information Verification Curriculum for Taiwan Junior and Senior High School Students
作者: 陳茵嵐
Yin-Lan Chen
Chien Chou
關鍵字: 中學生;網路資訊;網路資訊驗證;課程設計;形成性評量;問題導向學習;合作學習;high school students;Internet information;Internet information verification;Instructional Design;formative evaluation;Problem-based Learning;collaborative learning
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 隨著資訊科技的蓬勃發展,資訊多元化的快速流通,網際網路已成為現今學生在學習上經常使用的資料來源之一。在這個資訊時代裡,各學校級別與各學科教師要求學生透過網際網路,來蒐集、整理、分析資料的作業已為普遍現象,但卻僅訓練學生之搜尋能力,甚少教導學生檢視資訊的可信度。本研究檢視國內外相關文獻發現,針對區辨網路資訊可信度之研究,多集中在大學生,且多強調設計相關準則或檢核表來給予網路使用者參考,顯少有針對國中學生或即將邁入大學之高中學生的資訊驗證實證研究,故在國中與高中的資訊教育中培養學生具備驗證網路資訊的素養,乃當務之急。 本研究「中學生網路資訊驗證課程設計暨教學實驗研究」共分為二個部份,首先透過文獻探討剖析網路資訊驗證的內涵,以「問題導向學習之教學設計模式」設計與發展網路資訊驗證課程,並以形成性評量進行課程評鑑與修改後,以立意取樣的方式選取鄰近之國中、高中各三班學生共233人,分別以課程實施方式為自變項,各分三組:「不教學控制組」、「合作學習實驗組」及「個別學習實驗組」,進行二小時課程的實地試教,研究結果如下: 一、「中學生網路資訊驗證課程」依循分析、設計、發展、評鑑四大步驟設計完成,並確立本資訊驗證課程有其實施的必要性。 二、實施教學對國中生在網路資訊驗證態度表現有所助益,但是對於高中學生而言則否。 三、實施教學似乎無法有效提升國高中生網路資訊驗證認知表現,未來尚待發展可提升中學生網路資訊驗證認知表現之課程。 四、本研究發現,實施教學能提高國中及高中學生的網路資訊驗證行為表現。透過教學,學生以直覺來區辯資訊的次數減少,更可以客觀的資訊驗證準則,作為判斷資訊可信度之依據。 五、課程實施方式的不同並不會造成國高中生的網路資訊驗證態度與認知表現、高中生網路資訊驗證行為表現上的顯著差異,但合作學習的課程實施方式更能提升國中生在網路資訊驗證的行為表現。 六、合作學習的課程實施方式可提升國高中生較佳之資訊驗證問題解決能力:在透過同儕討論的合作學習課程實施方式下,學生所蒐集的資料、展現的資訊驗證問題解決能力,都較個別學習的課程實施方式佳。 七、網路資訊驗證課程的新穎性與活潑化,皆能引起不同課程實施方式的國高中學生興趣,是一個值得推動的教學工作。 本研究之結果已確立實施網路資訊驗證課程,可以有效提升中學生網路資訊驗證之行為表現;而合作式的課程實施方式,更可以有效的提升中學生對網路資訊驗證的問題解決能力。最後並綜合研究成果,提出實施資訊驗證課程的具體建議、與未來研究方向,供教師、研究者與課程設計者參考。
With the vigorous development of information technology and the spread of diverse information, the Internet has become a main information resource for leaning. In this information age, teachers of different grade levels and subjects frequently ask students to collect, organize, and analyze data via the Internet. However, teachers seldom go beyond teaching students how to acquire information, and rarely emphasize the importance of verifying the collected information before its use. The researcher reviewed relevant literature and found that most studies related to Internet information verification focused on college students and on creating principles and checklists for users to evaluate information. No empirical study specifically addresses the information verification by junior or senior high school students and, therefore, the researcher argues the necessity of fostering junior and senior high school students’ network literacy in verifying Internet information. This study intends to design a curriculum to help high school students verify Internet information and to experiment on the effects of the designed curriculum. First, the researcher reviewed relevant literature to analyze main ideas regarding Internet information verification. Then, the researcher developed a curriculum of Internet information verification based on the Systematic Instructional Designing Model and instructional strategies of problem-based learning (PBL). After formative evaluation and the following revisions of the curriculum design, the researcher self-selectively sampled three classes totaling 233 junior and senior high school students as participants. The participants were assigned into three experimental groups: no instruction, collaborative learning, and individual learning. Accordingly, the second and third groups of students received two-hour instruction. Seven major results are as follows: (1)This study has designed an Internet information verification curriculum following a four-stage design model (i.e. analysis, design, development, and evaluation), and this study confirmed the necessity of implementing such curriculum. (2)The implementation of this curriculum improved junior high school students’ attitudes toward Internet information verification. (3)The implementation of this curriculum did not improve junior and senior high school students’ cognitive performance in verifying Internet information. Future research should develop other curricula to enhance high school students’ cognitive performance. (4)The implementation of this curriculum changed junior and senior high school students’ behavior of information verification. After the instruction, the students used more criteria to evaluate the credibility of information rather than evaluating information solely by intuition. (5)Different instructional strategies did not cause significant differences in junior and senior high school students’ attitudes and cognitive performance and in senior high school students’ behavior in relation to Internet information verification. Nevertheless, collaborative learning instruction improved junior high school students’ behavior of Internet information verification. (6)Collaborative learning instruction enhanced junior and senior high school students’ problem solving in Internet information verification. Students in the collaborative learning group performed better in collecting data and verifying information than students in the individual learning group. (7)Students’ feedback indicated the novelty of this curriculum topic motivated their learning. In conclusion, the implementation of the curriculum effectively improved high school students’ behavior of Internet information verification. Through collaborative learning, the students enhanced their problem solving in verifying Internet information. Finally, according to research results, the researcher provided recommendations and suggestions for future researchers, educators and curriculum designers regarding Internet information verification.