標題: 中學生網路法律課程發展與評估
The Design and Evaluation of Cyberlaw Curriculum for Taiwan High School Students
作者: 詹佩珊
Pei-Shan Chan
Chien Chou
關鍵字: 網路法律;雙層次測驗;課程設計;中學生;cyberlaw;two tier-test;curriculum design;Taiwan high school students
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本研究旨在發展一套適合中學生(包含國中與高中)的「網路法律」課程。文中依據Smith & Ragan (1999)課程設計之「分析」、「策略」及「評估」三階段架構,發展與評估中學生「網路法律」課程,此外並依據Treagust(1988)發展雙層次測驗流程,編製中學生網路法律雙層次測驗題,用以評量中學生網路法律概念與另類概念。 經由文獻分析及相關新聞事件整理結果,研究者將網路法律分為「網路人際」、「網路色情」、「網路交易」、「干擾電磁」及「著作權」等五大類,並以此為範籌,設計35題開放式網路法律問卷,針對國二以上學生施測,以了解中學生對於網路相關法律問題之概念,作為網路法律課程設計之參考,並據以編寫雙層次測驗題。此外,透過中學現職教師訪談,參考相關文獻與學生概念,界定中學生網路法律課程內容與教學目標。 本研究將網路法律課程規畫為三個單元,分別是「網路事件記錄簿」、「駭不駭?有關係」及「自由誠可貴,智慧價更高」,在所設計之「網路法律教學指引」中,提供教學流程、教學活動及參考資料等,作為教師教學網路法律課程的參考,另外並提供網路法律概念之雙層次測驗題,作為學生評量之用。 研究者以新竹市建功國中國一學生為對象,實際進行網路法律雙層次測驗評量,以了解其可行性,同時並根據「網路法律教學指引」,挑選其中三個班進行試教,課後再進行相關單元之網路法律雙層次測驗,並請受教學生就教學內容、教學設計和對學生的影響填寫問卷。 資料分析結果顯示,各單元課程在「教學設計」上,普遍獲學生肯定,「課程內容」部份則因涉及法律條文,學生較難理解,本課程應再加以調整修正,另外學生於網路法律雙層次測驗上亦有所進步。在「課程內容」、「教學設計」、「教學指引」及「學生評量」等方面的專家評鑑上,受訪專家認為教學指引內容豐富且條理分明,教學活動設計能引起學生興趣,然而課程包含較多法律條文,教學內容宜再視學生是否具備法律概念調整,有關著作權概念較複雜,建議於中學階段較高年級再進行該單元課程。
The goal of this study was to develop and evaluate a cyberlaw curriculum for Taiwan junior and senior high school students. The curriculum of the present study was designed based on Smith & Ragan’s “Analysis-Strategy-Evaluation” instructional design model. In addition, a cyberlaw test based on Treagust’s two-tier test was also developed in order to evaluate students’ misconceptions of cyberlaw. According to the reviewed literature and recent news of cybercrimes, the researcher divided cyberlaw into five categories: (1)Internet communication, (2)Internet pornography, (3)Internet deals, (4)Internet irruptions, and (5)Internet copyright. In order to analyze students’ related misconceptions, and design learning content and activities in the curriculum, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews with high school teachers, experts, and surveyed students on their cyberlaw conceptions by using a 35-item open questionnaire. The final curriculum was designed based on above five categories into three units: (1)The events in cyberspace, (2)Hacking or not? Matter ! (3) Intelligence is more important than freedom. This study designed a “Cyberlaw Teaching Guide (CTG)” which covered the teaching flows, lesson plans, learning resources, references, and two-tier tests for teachers to use in the classroom. This study also conducted a formative evaluation of the CTG. Three units based on the CTG were actually taught to three junior high school classes of grade seven. Students’ opinions toward the curriculum contents and learning experiences were collected and analyzed. The results showed that most students considered these units rich and interesting, and they felt they did learn some new and useful information from the curriculum. The students also made progress on cyberlaw two-tier tests. However, some negative feedbacks were also considered when revising the CTG. In addition, three cyberlaw and instructional design experts were invited to evaluate four dimensions of the curriculum: (1)curriculum contents, (2)instructional design, (3)teaching guides, and (4)evaluation. Generally speaking, these experts thought that contents of the CTG was complete and well-organizied, and the teaching strategies were interesting to draw students’ attentions. Finally, recommendations were provided for future studies.


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