標題: 以正向心理學內涵建構數位課程之設計、發展與評鑑
The Design, Development and Evaluation of Positive Psychology Online Course for Taiwan College Students
作者: 鄭伃珊
關鍵字: 正向心理學;數位學習;大學生;課程設計;positive psychology;e-learning;Taiwan college students;curriculum design
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本研究旨在針對台灣大學生的需求,發展一套以正向心理學內涵建構之數位課程,除了根據Smith與Ragan(1999)所提出課程設計三階段進行分析、策略、評估等流程,並參考徐新逸(2006)、楊德思(2007)所開發之情意領域數位教材設計原則(PEARIE模式),規劃設計正向心理學數位課程。 首先,在分析階段,透過文獻分析、學生與專家訪談等方式了解學習者的需求,並確立學習內容,接著在評鑑階段則透過問卷調查、認知測驗與課後焦點團體訪談等方法收集形成性評量資料,由研究者、專家、學生共同評鑑教材。 本研究結果如下:(1)經由文獻分析歸納出正向心理學之課程內容、範圍及學習目標。(2)由文獻探討、專家以及學生訪談結果確認正向心理學融入數位課程之需求及可行性。(3)根據分析結果,設計「找尋快樂的源頭」、「情緒背後的祕密」,「看見自己的優勢」以及「活出生命的意義」等四個課程單元。(4)形成性評鑑之小團體試教結果發現,學習者之快樂學認知測驗總分後測顯著高於前測,且所有學習者之快樂學情意問卷後測分數皆達滿分,顯示經由學習後,學習者不僅能瞭解正向心理學之概念與實踐方式,也較能傾向正向思考。再者,由數位課程意見調查表與課程焦點團體訪談之結果可知,本課程能引發學習者的學習興趣,並認同正向心理學之重要性。綜言之,結果顯示經由教學,學生已達本研究預設之認知、情意目標。(5)專家評鑑結果部分,數位課程專家及內容專家皆肯定本教材之課程內容、介面設計、教學設計以及教育效益等四個評鑑面向。最後,綜合以上結果,提出建議與未來研究方向,希望本研究結果能作為相關研究之參考。
This study aims to design, develop and evaluate positive psychology online course for college students in Taiwan. The curriculum was designed based on Smith & Ragan’s “Analysis-Strategy-Evaluation” instructional design model and e-learning content principles in the affective domain (PEARIE mode). To evaluate the feasibility of the curriculum, this study has employed multiple research methods, including expert interviews, focus group interviews, questionnaire and small group test. The major findings are follows: (1) Literature review, which is conducted during the analyzing stage, explores the content, scope and learning goals. (2) Literature review, experts-interview and students-interview are used for the needs analysis. The result confirms college student’s needs for positive psychology online course. (3) The revised and final curriculum was divided into four parts: the pursuit of happiness, the secret about emotions, finding your talent, and living a meaningful life. (4) Formative evaluation validated the feasibility of the curriculums. In cognitive aspect, student’s posttest was significantly higher than their pretest. In affective aspect, all student’s posttest achieved full score. Besides, their feedbacks on the course showed they were interested in the lesson and agreed with its usability. (5) Both the qualitative and quantitative of expert review revealed high values on the content, interface design, instructional design and educational benefit. Finally, recommendations for future research were provided. Key words: positive psychology, e-learning, Taiwan college students, curriculum design