Title: 以真實影像為基礎之全自動水彩風格轉化
Image-based Automatic Watercolorization
Authors: 許明仕
Hsu, Ming-Shih
Lin, Cheng-Chung
Keywords: 影像處理;非擬真顯像;水彩;Image processing;Non-photorealistic rendering;Watercolor
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本研究設計一個由電腦根據使用者輸入目標影像來產生水彩繪畫的濾鏡系統,透過在空間域下的影像處理,以九個步驟模擬下列六個真實水彩畫中的顯著特色:
The thesis presents an image-based watercolor rendering system which is designed to simulate and to fulfill six important characteristics of real watercolor paintings using nine steps of image processing in spatial domain.

These characteristics include:
(1) Using the color difference and luminosity conditions to judge whether a pixel is white or not for a situation to preserve blanks.
(2) Using a scale-aware filter framework to preserve the most significant edges to reach the effect of salient regions and simplify the regions that need not be emphasized.
(3) To give pixels random offset and use median filter for blurring that produces unstable hand drawing and pigments diffusion visualization.
(4) In order to assimilate the pencil outline drawings, the appearance of the coherent edge line should be adjusted.
(5) To use different sizes of random noise pattern for the turbulent flow.
(6) To combine with scanned paper image in order to reveal the paper texture under the watercolor pigments.

After the processing of the above methods, the output image not only mimics an artistic-verisimilitude watercolor painting but also proves that the system is well and fully functional.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070456143
Appears in Collections:Thesis