標題: 汽車座椅的策略研究及發展方向—以U公司為例
A Strategic Study on the Future Development of Automobile Seats – The U Company Case Study
作者: 楊登宏
Yang, Teng-Hung
Chen, Quang-Hua
Jen, William
關鍵字: 汽車座椅;發展方向;策略研究;automobile (car) seats;development direction;strategy
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 台灣汽車(座椅)產業發展已經將近有50年歷史,1960年裕隆汽車成立後25年,這些年代大都是只是引進日本或美國已開發量產的汽車(座椅)進行國產化開發生產,以現地組裝做License car,1981年裕隆汽車工程中心在桃園龜山成立,1986年台灣第一輛自主研發小轎車「飛羚101」,後來才有第一款自我研發的汽車(座椅)產品,2007年起第二代裕隆自主品牌Luxgen誕生,台灣才真正擁有自創品牌、新造型設計的汽車(座椅)產品。


Taiwan has a nearly fifty-year-history in the automobile industry. Yulon Motor was founded in 1960. In its first twenty-five years, its primary function was to locally assemble "Licensed Cars" for Japanese and American auto makers. In 1981, The Technical Engineering Center of Yulon Motor was founded at Kueishan, Taoyuan. The Center independently researched and developed Taiwan's first home-grown automobile, the “Feeling 101," in 1986. In 2007, Yulon created its second generation automobile model, the "Luxgen," an entirely Taiwanese automobile brand complete with redesigned automobile seats.

How can growth in the highly competitive market for automobile seats be expanded? This study will focus on the future development of automobile seats. It investigates and analyzes the competitive landscape and outlines future trends as well as strategic research around future products. This includes creative and interdisciplinary products that can lead to the identification of new, market leading products that can result in an increase in market share.

This study shows that from an analysis of the conventional automobile market and consumer behaviors, it was discovered that an organization with the R&D capability to develop car seats, can also expand horizontally into other markets. It can apply its expertise to seats manufactured for other purposes on land, sea, or in the air. Standard passenger automobile seats immediately come to mind when considering seats designed for "land". However, there are also welfare vehicles with the wheelchair-accessible or rotatable seats and the seats of recreational vehicles that need to meet the requirements of the elderly. In addition to home and office seats, there are also massage seats and child safety seats that employ the ergonomics of more regulated and customized seats. An upgrade to the seats the high speed rail, subway, and bus systems also represent a significant opportunity to expand market share. In terms of products for the sea, there are seats on yachts, speedboats, cruise ships, and steamboats that can be developed as high-end leisure seats. Similarly, for aircraft, comfortable and deluxe seats can also be developed.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463038