標題: 新行銷工具--- 電子型錄於台灣產業之應用
A New Marketing Tool: The Use of E-catalogs by Taiwan Industry
作者: 彭永權
Dr. Charles V. Trappey
關鍵字: 型錄;電子型錄;電子產業;網路行銷;IC設計產業;汽車零組件與裝配產業;electronic catalogs;Internet marketing;electronics industry;IC design industry;Taiwan Automobile Industry;e-catalog content
公開日期: 2004
摘要: The purpose of this study is to derive baseline statistics for Taiwan automobile component and assembly, Taiwan electronics companies, and IC design industry, concerning their usage of traditional product catalogs and the emergence of electronic or Internet-based catalogs. The difference of the usage in three industry are compared. The data collected provided information about companies and their catalog content. Using phone interviews, site visits, and mail surveys, the researchers derived a taxonomy of products, a content analysis of product descriptions, a summary of relevant dimensions and units used to describe products, a description of the market channels, and a summary of the barriers to Internet catalogs. The result shows that there is a significant difference in the number of product categories in automobile component and assembly and electronics industry, a sigificant difference of the SKUs in IC design industry between paper catalogs and website catalogs. There are significant difference in product categories and brand name of electronic catalogs (e-catalogs) between Taiwan automobile component and assembly, Taiwan electronics, and IC design industry. This study explores the use of Internet based catalogs and provides recommendations for promoting the use of e-catalog content to better expose prospective buyers to the items offer for sale by Taiwan automobile component and assembly, Taiwan electronics companies, and IC design companies.


  1. 180801.pdf

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