標題: 點名時刻——我的模糊地帶
Roll Calling Time––The vague zone of mine
作者: 吳睿哲
Wu, Jui-Che
Lai, Wen-Shu
關鍵字: 插畫;字母書;拼貼;材質;illustration;alphabet book;collage;texture
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本論文為筆者近年來的創作自述,是一場回望自我、找尋脈絡的過程。本文分為四個章節:第一章緒論是從自身的成長背景為出發,敘述筆者過往的經驗與轉折,呼應著筆者過去的文字創作;第二章創作自述討論了筆者受文學影響的創作歷程,並闡述從大學至研究所期間,對於自己模糊的身份而產生的掙扎;第三章畢業創作討論筆者跳脫了以往的創作脈絡,將自己從詩、文字、文學中抽離,試圖以更簡單的方式創作,並討論了製作材質的創作過程;第四章結語則是筆者對於通篇論文、整段創作脈絡所做的反省與回望,整頓自己,重新出發。
This thesis features the art works by the author in the past two years, which was a retrospective, context-searching process. It proceeds in four parts. Treating the author’s coming of age as the point of departure, the first chapter describes the experiences and turning point in his life that echo his previous literary works. The second chapter is a biographical sketch of the author, discussing his creations that bear literary signature and elaborating on the long struggle for self-identity when he was an undergraduate and later a postgraduate. The third chapter explicates the author’s final year project with a special focus on the process of creating the required materials. On a more specific basis, the author broke away from his consist creative approach and context, and detached himself from poetry, texts and literature, trying to create in a minimalist way. The final chapter concludes with the author’s critical reflection on the entire thesis, to wit, his creative trajectory, with the aim of reorganizing his inner self and then embarking on a new exciting adventure.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070459201
Appears in Collections:Thesis