標題: 消費體驗、沉浸經驗與購買意願之關聯性-以桌上遊戲為例
The Relationships among Consumption Experience, Flow Experience and Purchase Intention: A Case of Board Games
作者: 江典祐
Chiang, Tien-Yu
Ding, Cherng G.
關鍵字: 桌上遊戲;消費體驗;沉浸經驗;購買意願;Board Game;Consumption Experience;Flow Experience;Purchase Intention
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 桌上遊戲(簡稱桌遊)有別於現今數位遊戲不需電力即可遊玩,在歐美等國家已發展多年,且近年來的市場規模呈現高度成長(加拿大及美國市場由2011年5億美元提升至2015年10.5億美元,複合成長率20.1%),而桌遊本身亦屬於享樂性產品,台灣多數的桌遊店除販售桌遊外,亦提供場地、遊戲及遊戲教學供玩家消費體驗,而在遊戲體驗中所帶來的愉悅和滿足感亦會使得消費者產生沉浸經驗,有鑑於國內桌遊市場未來仍將持續成長,本研究以台灣桌遊店為研究標的,探討消費者在玩桌遊時的消費體驗以及沉浸經驗對消費者後續購買意願之影響。 研究結果顯示,消費者在遊玩桌遊過程中的感官體驗、情感體驗、思考體驗及行動體驗會正向影響後續購買意願,而其中消費者在遊玩過程中所產生的沉浸經驗又將完全中介感官體驗、情感體驗及思考體驗提升購買意願的影響。 最後本研究依據結果提出行銷策略相關建議,以供爾後桌遊店業者擬定其經營策略方針之參考。
Board game is different from today’s digital game, it can be played without power supply, and it has been developed in Europe and the United States for many years. In recent years, the size of the board game market has risen strongly (Canada and the United States market from $ 500 million in 2011 to $ 1.5 billion in 2015, CAGR 40%). Besides, board game belongs to hedonic product, and most Taiwan’s board game stores not only sell board game product, but also provide consumption experience for consumers. During the game time, consumers also produce flow experience when they feel pleased and satisfied. In view of the rising board game market in Taiwan, the aim of this study is to investigate the effects of consumption experience and flow experience on consumer’s purchase intention in the case of board game. Results from this study indicate that sense experience, feel experience, think experience and act experience have positively effects on consumer’s purchase intention. Moreover, flow experience completely mediated the positive influence of sense experience, feel experience and think experience on consumer’s purchase intention. Finally, this study provides some marketing strategy recommendations for future research.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463710