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dc.contributor.authorHsiao, Jie-Tseen_US
dc.contributor.authorFu, Wu-Shungen_US
dc.description.abstract臺南市約7成以上民眾使用液化石油氣作為主要燃料,經統計所轄液化石油氣分銷商近3年違法案件多達1百多件,政府部門在液化石油氣安全管理遭遇的問題包括業者不認同現行法規或因供銷模式等因素難以遵循、未落實檢查瓦斯燃氣設備與管線及難以落實「家用液化石油氣供氣定型化契約」以保障消費者權益等問題;另消防署近期研擬新增瓦斯行可在同一基地設置「容器保管室」之法令,其解決違法超量儲存之效益亦須深究探討。   基此本研究利用文獻分析針對現行法令及安全管理制度提出改善方案及策進作為,並以臺南市液化石油氣分銷商為研究對象,探討其對現行安全管理法規、家用液化石油氣供氣定型化契約制度、研議中「容器保管室」規定及其他改善策進作為之看法,以提出改善方針及建議;本研究有效樣本計256份,有效樣本回收率為82.4%,利用SPSS套裝軟體進行統計分析,研究結果及建議如下: 一、業者針對瓦斯行存放128公斤之規定最不認同;而瓦斯行強制投保公共意外責任險及安全技術人員針對用戶檢查應有相關收費機制部份瓦斯行之措施建議可列入制定法規或安全管理作為優先考量。 二、瓦斯行業者對液化石油氣供氣定型化契約內容持中立偏不認同之傾向;而規模較大之瓦斯行對該契約之認同程度較高,通常較願意配合消防機關加強簽訂契約及服務客戶。 三、瓦斯行業者針對消防署修正中之「容器保管室」規定屬中立偏認同之趨勢,但業者因土地、成本或鄰近民眾觀感等因素考量難以設置「容器保管室」,故對於其解決現有違規或超量儲存瓦斯鋼瓶之成效尚持保留態度。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAccording to statistics, there have been over 100 illegal cases of violation by liquefied petroleum gas distributors in Tainan in the past three years. Government departments have encountered problems in terms of safety management thereof, such as owners not recognizing or having difficulties complying with current regulations due to supply and marketing modes, etc., not conducting inspections of fuel gas equipment and pipelines, and not carrying out the “Home-use Liquefied Petroleum Gas Supply Adhesion Contract”. In addition, as the Fire Agency is tasked to investigate and formulate a regulation that allows new gas stores to be set up with the condition of having “Container Stockrooms”, evaluations shall be made on the effect of this proposed measure that hopes to curtail excess storage. Based on the above, the study proposed improvement plans and implementations toward the current regulations and safety and management system by means of literature analysis, and it used the liquefied petroleum gas distributors in Tainan as the research objects to assess current safety management regulations and the home-use liquefied petroleum gas supply adhesion contract system, formulate the regulations for “Container Stockroom” as well as provide suggestions for other improvement measures. The study is based on 256 valid samples with an effective response rate of 82.4% and conducted statistical analysis through SPSS package software. The results of the study are shown as follows: 1.The regulation of a 128-kilogram maximum storage in gas stores is the least followed by store owners. With regard to relevant fee charging mechanism in terms of violations and compulsory purchase of public liability insurance by owners and conducting of inspections by safety technology personnel, it shall give priority consideration t to the suggested measures of some gas store owners for the formulation of safety regulations. 2.Most gas store owners were inclined to take a neutral stand or disagree with the home-use liquefied petroleum gas supply adhesion contract. The larger scale gas stores have shown a greater level of acceptance, and they showed a greater willingness to cooperate with the Fire Agency to enter into contracts for offering better services for customers. 3.Gas store owners tended to take a neutral stand or agree with the regulation for a “Container Stockroom” which is under review by the Fire Agency at present. Moreover, it still expressed reservations on the proposed measures for solving the current problems such as violation of regulations or excess storage of gas cylinders, as owners have difficulties in setting up a “Container Stockroom” in light of issues related to land area, cost or perception of people in neighboring communities.en_US
dc.subjectLiquefied Petroleum Gasen_US
dc.subjectContainer Stockroomen_US
dc.subjectQuestionnaire Analysisen_US
dc.titleThe Study of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Safety Management in Tainan Cityen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis