标题: 英语学习APP的设计与发展
The Design and the Development of English Learning APP
作者: 蔡碧珊
Tsai, Pi-Shan
关键字: 英语学习APP;跨领域合作;English learning APP;cross-disciplinary cooperation
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 近年来,智慧型手机的普遍使用,行动载具成为良好的学习工具,各类的学习APP也应运而生。此外,学习科技的发展,使得知识的呈现多元化及大量学习资源容易取得,学习的方式也不再受限于时间与空间,本研究透过教学现场的英语老师及APP设计开发技术人员进行跨领域合作,试图透过不同的专业领域的合作帮助学习者英语学习。
In recent years, the number of people using smart phones is
increasing. Mobile devices have become convenient learning tools, many learning APPs also invented. Moreover, with the advent of technology, learning resources are easy to access. Learning is not limited by the time and the space.This purpose of this study is intended to develope an English learning through the cross-disciplinary cooperation between two English teachers and two technicians.
The English learning APP not only integrates Google voice recognition
to identify learners’ speaking, but also combines Arduino-driven technology to increase learners’ motivation.
This study aimed to record the process of cross-disciplinary cooperation for developing the APP. According to the interactions between the teachers and technicians, the strengths,weakness,and difficulties of cross-disciplinary cooperation are better understood.The conclusions of this study were served as suggestions for further studies regarding cross-disciplinary cooperation.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070452811