標題: 執行大型活動煙火施放管理之研究
The Study of Large-scale Events Fireworks Execution Management Cast
作者: 顏勤益
關鍵字: 煙火施放;專業爆竹煙火;Fireworks display;Professional fireworks
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 專業爆竹煙火經常在重要慶典、民俗節慶活動中施放,施放不慎,容易造成極大危害,因此如何落實大型活動煙火施放管理實為重要課題。 本論文以苗栗縣舉辦「國慶煙火暨苗栗國際藝術季」活動為研究主題,藉由蒐集相關文獻來探討爆竹煙火之特性,另透過歷年施放爆竹煙火意外事故案例分析,了解意外發生原因,再透過實地執行專業爆竹煙火清點、施放、銷毀所遭遇之問題及困境,並針對煙火施放管理進行風險評估,提出煙火施放改善對策。 經研究顯示欲提升大型活動煙火施放安全,應建立主辦單位與各相關單位連絡協調機制、落實專業爆竹煙火清點查核、強化爆竹煙火施放安全防護檢核表管理檢核、針對爆竹煙火管理條例相關法規不足之處修訂,期使活動平安順利。
Professional fireworks are usually displayed when a celebration or a folk activity is taking place. Firework display is not managed correctly, it may cause a serious danger to the public. The study not only looks into the topic of holding national fireworks and art festival in Miaoli County but also discusses firework behavior through related researches. Besides, the research analyzes causes of accident by doing case studies on each fireworks accident and finds difficulties of executing a professional firework checking、displaying or destroying. The goal aims at the risk assessment of fireworks management and tries to define a method to verify effectiveness of correct action. How to improved safety of fireworks display? The investigation shows that as follows. Firstly, a communication system between sponsor and related departments should be established. Secondly, professional fireworks checking and the checklist of fireworks safety management should be carried out certainly. Last but not least, related laws and regulations of firework should be promoted and then the safety of fireworks display can be built up
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070461006
Appears in Collections:Thesis