標題: 新能源大國之新再生能源、實質GDP和碳排放之間的因果關係
The casual nexus between new renewable energy, real GDP, and CO2 emission
作者: 呂皓瑋
Lu, Hao-Wei
Pao, Hsiao-Tien
關鍵字: 再生能源;化石能源;經濟成長;碳排放;VECM模型;New renewable energy;Fossil Fuels;Economy growth;VECM model
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 近年來全球景氣低迷,各國政府紛紛提出振興經濟之政策,然而政府不能一味追求經濟成長使得環境造成永久傷害。部分國家發展再生能源已行之有年,甚至有些國家的再生能源佔總能源發電的40%以上,透過研究這些高發展的再生能源國家,是否能訂定出一套減碳且不會減緩經濟成長的政策,讓世界上高碳排的國家善盡保護地球人類生存環境的責任,使生活環境更加美好。 本研究發現,新再生能源大國之新再生能皆有取代化石能源的情況,如能完全取代化石能源,除了能降低環境污染和對進口能源的倚賴外,更能將發展成熟的能源技術輸出至其他國家。新再生能大國發展新再生能不會影響經濟發展的走向,降低化石能源使用反而會提升國家經濟。
Recently, a recession occurs. Governments have proposed to revitalize the economy, but governments can’t just pursue economic growth instead of destroying the environment. Some countries have been developing renewable energy for some years. Part of countries’ renewable energy have more than 40% of total energy. By studying these highly developed renewable energy countries, we can provide a policy for reducing carbon dioxide and growing economy. Then, we can have a good quality of life and a pleasant environment to live. This study chose some countries that have high ratio of new renewable energy as samples. We found new renewable energy could replace the fossil fuels. If new renewable energy completely replaced fossil fuels, it could reduce environmental pollution and dependence on imported energy. Moreover, mature energy technology was outputted to other countries. Developing new renewable energy will not affect the direction of economic development, and it will reduce fossil fuels usage when the economy grow.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453104
Appears in Collections:Thesis