Title: | 購物目標對象對選擇產品屬性類型的影響 -以善因行銷為調節變數 Making Purchase Decisions for Themselves or for Others on Preferences for Hedonic or Utilitarian Products: The Moderating Role of Cause Related Marketing Campaign |
Authors: | 周書伃 張家齊 Chou, Shu-Yu Chang, Chia-Chi 管理科學系所 |
Keywords: | 享樂品;實用品;善因行銷;購物目標對象;准許作用;預期罪惡感;hedonic goods;utilitarian goods;cause-related marketing;decision targets;licensing effect;anticipatory guilt |
Issue Date: | 2017 |
Abstract: | 在善因行銷的領域中,先前學者們已經對於各項變數有所研究,然而卻鮮 少探討在此情境下依照購物目標對象的不同,應當如何搭配推銷不同屬性的產品,使得人們對於兩種屬性產品的購買意願均能提升,故本研究欲探討之。先前研究指出人們因為受到「消費是罪惡,節儉是美德」的文化影響,使其較容易合理化實用性消費,而較難合理化享樂性消費。先前研究亦指出人們偏好選購享樂品給他人,而偏好選購實用品給自己,因為買禮送人可以降低人們預期從事享樂性消費所產生的罪惡感,因而提高選購享樂品的可能性。本研究以實驗設計法進行,操弄行銷活動情境(一般傳統行銷或善因行銷)與購物目標對象(買給自己或買給他人)兩個自變數,為2x2雙因子設計,依變數則為產品屬性類型(享樂品與實用品),藉此觀察人們在不同的行銷活動情境下,面對不同的購物目標對象訴求,是否會對不同屬性的產品產生不同偏好。研究結果指出,在一般傳統行銷情境下搭配買給他人的廣告訴求時,人們選購享樂品的可能性會顯著大於當其搭配買給自己的廣告訴求時,因為人們在此情況下較容易合理化自身的購買行為,使其預期消費的罪惡感程度減少,因而提高選購享樂品的可能性。然而在善因行銷情境下,搭配買給他人或是買給自己的廣告訴求,對於人們選購享樂品的可能性則無顯著不同,因為人們自覺響應義賣活動可以獲得放縱的權利(准許作用),使其認為消費是一種罪惡的情緒獲得補償,因而提高選購享樂品給自己的可能性。根據此結果,企業在行銷購物目標對象為他人之廣告活動時,不論是否與慈善組織合作皆應該推銷享樂品給消費者;企業在在行銷購物目標對象為自己之廣告活動時,若無與慈善組織合作應推銷實用品給消費者,若有與慈善組織合作則應推銷享樂品給消費者。 Prior research shows that people feel more guilt when they purchase hedonic products than utilitarian products. The present research uses experimental design to test the effect of campaign types (traditional marketing vs. cause-related marketing) and decision targets (i.e., making purchase decisions for themselves or for others) on preferences for hedonic or utilitarian products. A 2x2 factorial design is conducted. The results indicate that consumers making purchase decisions for others are more likely to purchase hedonic over utilitarian products than are consumers making purchase decisions for themselves under the traditional marketing campaign. The anticipatory guilt triggered by contemplating hedonic consumption is less for consumers who made purchase decisions for others than for those who made purchase decisions for themselves as this situation allows them to justify it. However, there is no significant difference in type of product choose between consumers deciding for themselves and for others under the cause-related marketing campaign. The licensing effect shows that engagement in an altruistic act (e.g., buying for charity) can liberate consumers to engage in compensatory behaviors and motivate them to prefer a hedonic good over a utilitarian good. According to these findings, this study suggests that business should provide the hedonic goods for consumers when they deciding for others no matter under which campaign type. On the other hand, business should provide the utilitarian goods for consumers when they deciding for themselves under the traditional marketing campaign; business should provide the hedonic goods for consumers when they deciding for themselves under the cause-related marketing campaign. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453129 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/141020 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |