標題: 企業分割的價值創造與流失
Value Created and Lost in Corporate Divestitures
作者: 吳佳勳
Wu, Jia-Syun
Yeh, Yin-Hua
關鍵字: 企業分割;撤資;資產分割;權益分割;資產出售;公司治理;Spin-offs;Carve-outs;Sell-offs;Divestiture;Restructuring;Corporate Governance
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究探討不同企業分割形式中被分割公司的長、短期股價報酬,包含資產分割、權益分割和資產出售三種形式。本研究認為分割活動存在使公司更聚焦自身核心事業的正面效果,且被分割公司的長期股價表現應和三種分割形式的利益分配機制與公司治理品質有關,並據此針對樣本的短期異常報酬以及經產業調整的長期股價報酬建立待驗證的假說。此外,本研究也特別針對本地公司最常採取的權益分割進行研究,檢驗股東權益遭稀釋或利益的不當移轉是否為影響被分割公司長期股價報酬的重要因素。


This paper investigate the short-term announcement effects and long-term stock returns of divesting firms in different forms of divestiture, including spin-offs, carve-outs, sell-offs. We hypothesize that divestiture in unrelated industries can help the firm to focus on its core business that it has a comparative advantage in managing and thus has positive effect on the stock return. We also hypothesize that long-term stock returns of divesting firms are associated with the differences of stock distributing mechanism between three forms of divestiture, and also with the quality of corporate governance of each firm. Our hypotheses generate testable predictions regarding the announcement effects of the divestitures and the post-divestiture long-term stock returns of divesting firms.

Our empirical findings using a sample of 138 divestitures from January 1977 to May 2016 are as follows. First, although sell-offs have the highest announcement effects among three types of divestiture, but in the long run there is no significant impact on divesting firms′ stock returns after sell-off. Second, unrelated divestitures have significantly positive impacts on short-term stock performances but don′t last in the long run. Third, parent companies that obstruct carve-outs on their way to independence and use their majority stake to exercise managerial control in the long run risk eliminating the very benefits the carve-out was intended to deliver. Finally, we find that Carve-out firms involved in deliberate dilution of existing stockholders’ ownership have significantly lower cumulative abnormal returns while subsidiaries’ IPO.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453928