標題: 隱私權影響購物網站消費者之購買意願研究 -以台北市網路消費者為例
A Study of the Effect of Privacy on Consumer’s Purchase Intention in Online Shops
作者: 陳瑞國
Chen, Jui-Kuo
Chen, Kuang-hua
Chiang, Chi
關鍵字: 電子商務;購物網站;消費者行為;個人隱私;消費意願;Electronic Commerce;Online Shop;Consumer Behaviour;Privacy;Buying Intention
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 線上消費逐漸成為消費者經常使用的通路之一,消費者會因為不同的消費動機而選擇線上購物,而購物網站相對於實體通路有不同的屬性面向,消費者考量的面向也會有所改變。購物網站經營業者透過各種方式吸引消費者於該網站消費,網站為提供消費者更多元便利的服務,例如:產品推薦系統、快速的付費流程等等,會記錄或要求消費者提供個人資訊。 本研究以消費者理論EBM模型為架構,分析網路購物消費者對於購物網站之消費行為,並以個人資訊之揭露意願為干擾變數,探討不同人口統計變數之網路使用者在購物網站消費之情形,網路購物消費者重視的消費動機,網路消費者重視購物網站屬性之面向以及消費者重視之個人資訊揭露,是否與消費者購買動機有顯著關聯性。 本研究發現女性消費者和平均上網時數較長的消費者有較高的線上購買意願,並且在購物網站消費之情形有所差異。不同消費者有不同個人資訊揭露之意願,除了連結社群網站以外,網路購物消費者願意揭露其他個人資訊,並且購物網站記錄消費者之瀏覽紀錄、地址以及要求消費者加入會員會增加消費者購買意願。
Online shops have become common channels for consumers. Due to differing consumer motivations, customers would choose online shopping as their preference over physical stores. Online shops have different characteristics which customers would focus greatly on. Online sellers have been considering all kinds of approaches to attract more customers. They would record or ask their clients to provide their private information in order to deliver more convenient services, for example product recommendation and fast payment systems. In this study, it analyzed customers buying behaviors on the Internet, based on the framework of the consumer theory model (EBM) to discuss the buying situation online via a variety of demographics, private information disclosures and other interruptive factors. The results show that female customers and those who surf online longer have higher intentions of shopping online. Except for linking to community website accounts, online customers are willing to provide their private information to online retailers. Moreover, online consumers have higher buying intentions when online shops record customer browsing history and customer addresses when requiring customers to become members.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353128