Title: 從區位理論檢視中國大陸社群網路之競爭: 以新浪微博、騰訊微信以及騰訊QQ為例
A niche analysis on three social media in China: An examination on Weibo, WeChat, and QQ
Authors: 郭麗惠
Guo, Li-Hui
Li, Shu-Chu
Keywords: 區位理論;社群網路;市場競爭;新浪微博;騰訊微信;騰訊QQ;niche theory;SNS in China;market competition;Sina Weibo;Tencent WeChat;Tencent QQ
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 根據Dimmick的區位理論並以此為研究架構,本文從使用者的滿足獲得與滿足機會來檢視中國大陸三大社群網路—新浪微博、騰訊微信與騰訊QQ之間的競爭關係。透過深度訪談20位受訪者和562份網路問卷樣本,本文共發現三項結論:(1)騰訊微信與新浪微博屬於通才型社群網路,而騰訊QQ為專才型社群網路。(2)騰訊微信與新浪微博之間的競爭程度最為激烈。(3)在三種社群網路中,騰訊微信最具有競爭優勢。
This study adopted the niche theory to examine the competition among Sina Weibo, Tencent WeChat, and Tencent QQ. This study examined two resources, gratifications obtained and gratification opportunities that are the most important resources used in the media industry. Two methods were adopted, one of which was to conduct 20 intensive interviews. Another method was an online survey, which obtained 562 valid questionnaires.

The data analysis shows that the strong competition existed between Sina Weibo and Tencent WeChat, and that Tencent WeChat in general had higher superiority scores than Sina Weibo. Furthermore, Sina Weibo and Tencent WeChat were found to be generalists, while Tencent QQ was a specialist. More findings were discussed in the thesis.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070159116
Appears in Collections:Thesis