Title: Paypal從eBay分折後關鍵成功因素分析
An Analysis of Paypal’s Key Success Factors After eBay Spin-off
Authors: 陳敬仁
Chen, Jeffrey
Huang, Kevin
Keywords: paypal分折;paypal成功因素;paypal的未來;paypal商業模式;paypal財務;paypal行動支付;paypal post spin off;paypal success factors;future of paypal;paypal business model;paypal finance;paypal mobile payment
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: PayPal成立於1998年,2002年由eBay購買,作為公司電子商務業務交易的唯一支付工具。此業務關係於2015年結束。Paypal 通過取消政府對貨幣轉移和支付的控制,徹底改變了銀行和金融業。 PayPal從創立以來,旨在透過在快速變化的行業中提供網上銀行和移動支付來顛覆傳統銀行業務。 PayPal是首例,不得不面對眾多的競爭對手和政府的障礙。然而,PayPal透過處理付款和以低成本利潤提供其他金融服務來支配市場。目前已知PayPal具有14個成功因素,為成功實現電子商務戰略的必要條件(Zhang et al,2012)。本研究旨在確定PayPal對與eBay分離之前和之後的業績的14個成功因素的依賴性和整體性,與整個行業的業績相比。
Founded in 1998, PayPal was purchased by eBay in 2002 as the sole payment processor of the company’s e-commerce business transactions. The business relationship ended in 2015. PayPal has revolutionized the banking and financial industry by removing the government's’ control over money transfers and payments. From its founding, PayPal has been designed to subvert traditional banking through the offer of online banking and mobile payments in a quickly changing industry. The first of its kind, PayPal has since had to deal with numerous competitors and governmental obstacles. Nevertheless, PayPal dominates the market by handling payments and providing other financial services at low cost margins. Fourteen success factors have been identified as variables essential for successful e-commerce business strategies (Zhang, et al., 2012). The present research seeks to identify PayPal’s reliance on and conformity to the 14 success factors in their performance before and after separating from eBay in comparison to the industry’s performance as a whole.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453009
Appears in Collections:Thesis