標題: 研究二極體激發摻釹釩酸釔雷射之波粒雙重性以及輸出特性
Exploring the Ray-wave Duality and output Characteristics in Nd-doped YVO4 Laser
作者: 楊偉如
Chen, Yung-Fu
關鍵字: 雷射;共振腔;縱模橫模;耦合機制;鎖模效應;埃爾米特-高斯;Hermite;Gaussian;Geometric;mode;Laguerre;IP
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究利用雷射共振腔中鎖模效應與縱模橫模的耦合機制,產生各式各樣埃爾米特-高斯(Hermite-Gaussian)模態以及幾何模態(Geometric mode)。在離軸激發的條件下,我們量測不同腔長下雷射輸出圖形與I-P特徵,了解離軸程度與簡併條件對雷射之影響。另外,利用柱透鏡,我們將埃爾米特-高斯模態以及幾何模態轉換為具有角動量之拉蓋爾(Laguerre)模態。我們期待這類具有角動量之光束能在材料、生醫領域有潛在性的應用。
In this thesis the origin of the Hermite-Gaussian (HG) mode and the geometric mode (GM) are revealed by the longitudinal-transverse coupling effect. The trajectory equations of the GM are further derived to analyze the transverse pattern outside the laser cavity. In experiment, we compared the output characteristic and pattern of HG modes and GMs under the condition of off-axis pumping in the Nd-doped YVO4 laser.Finally, both kind of modes are transformed form line structure into circle structure by exploiting the cylindrical-lens mode converter .
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070452920
Appears in Collections:Thesis