標題: 健全房市政策對營建業上市公司股價表現之影響
The Impact of the Real Estate Market Improvement Policy on the Stock Price Performance of Construction Companies
作者: 宋季真
Sung, chi-chen
Tsai, Bi-Huei
關鍵字: 政策;營建業;房地合一;policy;Construction Industry;Integrated Housing and Land Income Tax System
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究以政府發佈之健全房市政策對於營建業上市公司產生之影響為研究主軸,並分別從復徵空地稅,實施特種貨物及勞務稅(俗稱奢侈稅)、2014 年房屋稅條例第五條修正案、2015年通過房地合一稅改案等政策切入,研究政府政策對營建上市股的反應,藉以瞭解政府政策對於營建產業之影響程度。是以,本研究之目的為:
This study focuses on the impact of the house market improvement policy on the construction industry. We investigated the reaction of the stock price on the construction stocks from the four tax policies, Recollecting Vacant Land Tax, Specifically Selected Goods and Services Tax, Collection of House Tax article 5 and the Integrated Housing and Land Income Tax System. Therefore, the purpose of this study is as follow:
1. Whether the implementations of Recollecting Vacant Land Tax cause any abnormal returns and market reactions?
2. Whether the implementations of the Specifically Selected Goods and Services Tax cause any abnormal returns and market reactions?
3. Whether the implementations of the Collection of House Tax article 5 cause any abnormal returns and market reactions?
4. Whether the implementations of the Integrated Housing and Land Income Tax System cause any abnormal returns and market reactions?
5. In the two major policies, is the impact of Specifically Selected Goods and Services Tax greater than that of the Integrated Housing and Land Income Tax System? .
This study finds that the real estate market improvement policy will cause the fluctuation in stock price of Construction Companies. And the stock prices would also experience significantly negative cumulative abnormal returns. Therefore, we found that "information asymmetry" is a main reason, and indicate the importance of disclosure of information.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463119