標題: 重探「越美越好用」現象:知覺流暢性之觀點
Revisiting the beautiful-is-usable phenomenon: The perspective of perceptual fluency
作者: 林安俐
Lin, An-Li
Tao, Chen-Chao
關鍵字: 古典美學;表達美學;使用性;知覺流暢性;生理測量;classic aesthetics, expressive aesthetics, perceptual fluency, physiological measurement;expressive aesthetics;usability;perceptual fluency;physiological measurement
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 在人機互動領域中,美學與使用性間的關係一直以來都備受關注。然而,過去研究發現的因果關係卻未達成共識。本研究欲釐清美學與使用性關係間之運作機制,以處理流暢性進行解釋,期望能解決此過去研究結果的不一致。本研究執行2古典美學(高、低)X 2表達美學(高、低)X 2使用性(高、低)的三因子組間實驗設計。以了解不同情境的介面對美學與使用性之影響。並以知覺流暢性作為中介變項,本研究透過生理測量、客觀測量與自我報告之三種指標,作為知覺流暢性的測量,以了解「越美越好用」之關係,是否能透過知覺流暢性解釋。研究結果主要有兩點發現:1.感知使用性透過古典美學影響2.越越美越好用之關係透過知覺流暢性中介。古典美學對感知使用性受到膚電、心智努力所中介,而表達美學對感知使用性不受中介影響,此研究結果支持了「越美越好用」之現象。
In the field of HCI, many researchers found the relation between aesthetic and usability. With the inconsistent finding in this field, this study except to figure out the mechanism underling the aesthetic-usability relationship. Assume processing fluency to explain this phenomenon. The experiment employed a three factor between-subjuct design 2(Classic aesthetics:High/Low)X2 (Expressive aesthetics:High/Low)X2(Usability:High/Low).To realize how factor effect perceived aesthetic and perceived usability. This study use physiological measurement, objective usability, self-report as the index of processing fluency. To figure out whether perceptuall fluency can explain the relationship of aesthetic and usability. Study found perceived usability is impacted by classic aesthetic. And ‘the more beautiful is more usable’ relationship is mediated by perceptual fluency. Classic aesthetic is mediated by EDA mean and mental effort. The finding supported the ‘the more beauty is more usable’relationship rather than ‘the more usable is more beautiful ’relationship.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070359131
Appears in Collections:Thesis