標題: 評估國籍國際航空公司客貨運營運效率 - 二階段資料包絡分析法之應用
Evaluating the Operational Efficiency of Passenger and Cargo Performance of Taiwanese International Airlines- Application of Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis
作者: 吳冠明
Wu, Kwan-Ming
Chiou, Yu-Chiun
關鍵字: 航空公司;績效評估;二階段資料包絡分析法;麥氏生產力指數;Airlines;Performance Measurement;Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis;Malmquist Productivity Index
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 航空產業所建構的全球運輸航網驅動著經濟的成長,然而產業本身卻也面臨嚴峻的政經威脅與競爭壓力。航空公司必須時時刻刻提升本身的競爭優勢以因應航空產業環境的快速變動。 本研究應用二階段資料包絡分析法(Two-Stage DEA)與麥氏生產力指數(MPI)評估中華航空與長榮航空此二家臺灣國籍國際航空公司在2006-2015年間客貨運的營運效率。第一階段主要評估的是生產效率的表現,第二階段則是評估行銷效率的表現。 實證結果顯示,二階段資料包絡分析法對二十個受評決策單位(Decision Making Unit, DMU)的效率評估鑑別能力明顯較單一階段模式來得高。此外,二階段資料包絡分析法更能夠呈現出國籍國際航空公司營運效率之內涵,讓各個航空公司瞭解其在不同階段整體營運績效的相對優劣勢,藉此調整其營運目標並擬定因應策略以提高效率與增進獲利能力。
The aviation industry creates a viable transportation network across the globe and helps drive economic growth. However, the industry also faces severe economic, political threats and competition pressure. In order to keep up with rapid changes in aviation industry environment, airlines need to enhance their competitive advantages at all times. This study evaluated the efficiency of passenger and cargo performance of two Taiwanese international airlines, which are China Airlines and EVA Air by using Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis and Malmquist Productivity Index during 2006-2015. The first stage assessed the efficiency of production performance and the second stage investigated the efficiency of marketing performance. The results show that two-stage DEA performs better than one-stage DEA and has better discrimination capability on the evaluation of efficiency among 20 decision making units. The results of the study could be utilized by airlines to adjust their operation strategy in order to enhance efficiency and increase profitability.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463614
Appears in Collections:Thesis