標題: 非營利組織中制式化工作環境下員工的工作動機與離職因素之研究 _以I組織P組為例
A study of work motivation and causation for resigning under standardized working environment in NPO–A case study group P in organization I
作者: 曾昌慶
Tseng, Chang-Ching
Huang, Shih-Ping
關鍵字: 非營利組織;制式化工作;工作動機;離職因素;Non-profit organizations;standardized working format;working motivation;cause of resigning
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 近年來,非營利組織發展十分迅速,而非營利組織在經濟與社會上扮演著日益重要的角色,位居於政府單位與企業集團之間,擔任協調整合的角色。身處現今資訊科技進步的時代,非營利組織也跟其他企業集團一樣,面臨到人才爭奪的難敵,不僅是要找到好的人才,公司要如何留住適用的、好的人才,更是要去應該注意的問題。 本研究以I組織P組目前所面臨的問題作為研究主題,探詢P組員工在制式化的工作環境下,所衍伸出的一些問題,如:新進員工高離職率、服務年資出現斷層及M型化、組織離職成本的耗費…等。因此本研究以P組的員工作為研究對象,並且將員工分成三類:主管、在職員工、離職員工,進行問卷調查及專家訪談。本研究問卷調查共發放57份問卷,回收54份有效問卷,並與8位專家做深入的訪談。 本研究透過問卷調查與專家訪談的方式,歸納出四大研究結果與發現: 1. P組員工的內在工作動機高於外在工作動機。 2. P組員工對於工作的薪資水準、升遷制度及工作專業度不足…等,感到不滿意。 3. 針對P組工作內容制式化、工作負荷量大、成就感不高,加上薪資水準不高,是新進員工高流動率的主要原因之一。 4. 年資高的員工佔據大部分員工職缺,須待員工退休才會重新招募新進員工,加上新進員工高流動率的問題,組織勢必重覆招募新員工,也造成服務年資中階族群較少,是造成服務年資M型化的主要原因。 最後,提出研究建議,分別以「公司政策與人力資源策略方面」與「工作內容與員工發展制度方面」兩個面向提出實務上的建議。希望藉由本研究的結果與建議,能對組織或是有類似情況的企業有所幫助,提供未來組織招募人才與留任員工之參考依據,以減少員工的離職成本與新進同仁教育訓練所花費的時間。
Non-profit organizations (NPO) have flourished in recent years and play an important role in today’s society by coordinating between government organizations and private corporates. However, like many other firms, NPO need to face the challenges to attract talented people, and moreover, to keep the talented people stay in organization. This has become a critical issue for NPO nowadays. This thesis is to study problems occurred due to standardized working format in group P organization I, such as high turnover rate among new hires, M-shaped distribution in seniority, and hidden cost caused by unstable staff. In this study, employees in group P are divided into 3 categories: manager, current employee and former employee. Questionnaire survey and interview with experts are conducted in the study. Total of 57 questionnaires were released, and 54 valid ones retrieved. I have also consulted with 8 experts within the group. Here I come out 4 study results from my research: 1. Working motivation is stronger internal-wise than external-wise for employees in group P 2. Employees are not satisfied with salary level, promotion opportunity and simplicity of tasks, etc. 3. Some of the main reasons regarding such high turnover rate among new hires are rigid working format, overwhelming working load and lack of sense of achievement. 4. Staff is composed majority by employees with high seniority and openings are only released when someone retires, while new hires are hard to be kept in the organization and thus lead to repeatedly recruit people with less experience. This is the reason that M-shaped distribution in seniority is emerged. Lastly, I have suggested 2 directions in practical manner to help with this phenomenon. One of which is to adjust company policy and human resource strategy, and the other is to improve content of work and employee career development. By providing suggestions based on my research results, I hope to assist NPO or any other firms with similar situation to reduce wasted time or money from high turnover rate and orientation costs.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463507
Appears in Collections:Thesis