Title: 半導體微影設備商的成功關鍵因素分析-以A公司為例
A study of the Key Success Factors of leading equipment suppliers of Lithography Process in Semiconductor Industry-“Case study of A-Company”
Authors: 林昭欣
Lin, Chao-Hsin
Huang, Shih-Ping
Keywords: 半導體微影設備供應商;AHP層級分析法;成功關鍵因素;Semiconductor Equipment Manufacturers of Lithography Industry;The Analytic Hierarchy Process;AHP;Key Successor Factor
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 自1984年美國莫爾實驗室發明了電晶體,邏輯電路的發展突飛猛進,在廣泛的應用下,造就電子業與資訊業發展迅速蓬勃,發展至2000年總產值已經超過一兆美元,在年產值平均上則亦有數百億美元,已經超過汽車、鋼鐵,以及化學工業的總和,成為全球第一大工業,影響人類社會甚巨且深遠。 台灣自1964年國立交通大學電子研究所引進半導體人才與技術,成功研發出矽平面式電晶體並於同年成立半導體研究中心,台灣在旅外傑出的知名研究菁英歸台指導與研發下,如今已培養出數家半導體指標公司,成為半導體的主要生產地,在技術先進、產能龐大、品質優良且價格具競爭力,其設備的支出亦為各設備供應商的研發與合作指標,這些都在世界上佔有重要的一席之地。 本研究以目前半導體微影設備供應龍頭-「A公司」為研究目標,透過資料的收集、專家訪談、應用AHP層級分析法設計問題並發放問卷,來探討半導體微影設備商之關鍵成功因素,在半導體產業景氣循環變動越趨劇烈的情況下,設備供應商如何在其策略與組織營運活動裡建立因應景氣循環的能力,以維持企業的競爭優勢。
Since 1984, Mohr Laboratory (United States) invented the transistor, the development of logic circuit by leaps and bounds. Until year 2000, the development of the total output value has more than One Trillion US dollars and Ten Billions dollars on yearly average, which surpassed the sum of cars, steel, and chemical industries. Semiconductor Industry became the world's largest industry, affecting human society with very far-reaching. In Taiwan, since 1964 Institute of Electronics Research in NCTU introduced semiconductor talent and technology, successfully developed Silicon-Type Transistor. Same year establishmed Semiconductor Research Center (SRC). With Taiwan's outstanding research teltnts and overseas Chinese semiconductor elites elguidance, research and development. The equipment expenditure of semiconductor manufactory companies is an important indicator for the equipment suppliers doing R&D and cooperating activities. Those also occupies an important place in the world. In this paper, we focus on the key factors of semiconductor Lithography Equipment leading company- “A company” by using the data collection and expert interviews. By applying AHP hierarchy to analysis and the questionnaire, and discuss the key success factors of semiconductor lithography equipment. At the same time, How the equipment suppliers in the strategic and organizational operations to establish the ability to respond to the cycle of the economy in order to maintain the competitive advantage of the enterprise.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463514
Appears in Collections:Thesis