Title: 網路影音觀看偏好與購物意願之關聯研究
A study on the Relationship Between on-line video-watching and on-line shopping Behaviors
Authors: 張滋煒
Chang, Tzu-Wei
Wu, Muh-Cherng
Keywords: 網路直播;影音平台;電子商務;網路購物;Live Streaming;Video Streaming platform;E-commerce;On-line shopping
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 由於消費者觀看線上影音使得相關網路流量逐年攀高,根據 Cisco(2015) 報告指出,觀看線上影音的流量佔整體上網流量比例,從2013年的60%至2019年將大幅提升到80%。Google也於今年2月宣布旗下的影音平台YouTube用戶每天觀看影片的時間已突破10億小時,很接近美受訪者每天看電視時間12.5億小時,將對傳統影視產業及廣告業帶來巨大的變革。為了進一步掌握收視大眾網路行為的變化與需求,本研究將針對喜好線上影音觀看、網路購物、社群互動者等特定目標族群,進行兩階段量化問卷調查,以獲知目標族群對網路影音連結購物之新型態影音服務的看法,評估市場接受度做為新興影音視訊服務業未來發展參考。
Watching video programs through internet (on-line video viewing) has become increas-ingly popular. According to Google (2017), the daily hours of on-line viewing on YouTube are quite close to that of watching television. In addition, on-line shopping has been substantially increasing. This research has three objectives: (1) examining the behavior of on-line video viewers, (2) examining the behavior of on-line shop-ping consumers, and (3) investigating if on-line video viewing preference has an ef-fect on the intention of on-line shopping. We carry out a two-stage survey. The first stage survey is intended to identify users of on-line video and on-line shopping. Tak-ing significant users screened from the first stage survey as subjects, the second stage survey is designed to achieve the three research objectives.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463020
Appears in Collections:Thesis