标题: | 題庫平台與安卓手持裝置評量程式製作- 以質點、剛體平衡為例 Apply Android Handheld Device on Evaluation Platform Case of Equilibrium of Particles and Rigid Bodies |
作者: | 林世揚 林昌佑 Lin, Shih-Yang Lin, Chang-Yu 土木工程系所 |
关键字: | 安卓;手持裝置;雲端資料庫;題庫系統;應用力學;Android;Handheld;Cloud Database;Evaluation Platform;Applied Mechanics |
公开日期: | 2017 |
摘要: | 應用力學,是工程領域的基礎科目,也是身為土木系學生必備的基礎工程素養,如何有效率的將應用力學學好,實為教學上重要的課題。隨著時代的改變,智慧手持裝置的普及化加上網際網路的便利性,學習一事也漸漸跟上全球化、自由化。本研究藉由Firebase、Android及相關技術建立一套題庫平台,題庫平台包含了建立雲端資料庫用來統一新增題目與管理題庫,老師可以透過電腦在題庫平台上新增或修改題庫,或是上傳相關的影片與參考資料;另一方面在安卓手持裝置的介面上開發一個專屬題庫平台的應用程式,讓兩者進行存取,同時也是在老師與學生之間作一個雙向的回饋,另外融入應用力學的知識地圖進行開發使得系統可以提供更加準確的診斷與學習建議,引入試題分析由鑑別度進行命題的優劣探討和對題目的難度進行分析及調整做為出題依據。而此題庫系統將擁有下特性:雲端資料庫的即時性及便利管理、程式介面使用上清楚明瞭、應用知識地圖帶來的引導式解題思路和學習診斷功能,藉以提升整個題庫系統的實用性,輔助學生在應用力學上的學習。最後實際邀請學生來對系統進行測試,也進行問卷調查,透過問卷結果也顯示出大部分的學生有相當高的意願使用本系統準備考試,另外大部分使用者也認為本題庫系統對應用力學的學習上有很大的幫助。 Applied mechanics is one of the most elementary subjects in department of civil engineering. It’s also the knowledge that civil engineering students must have. How can make students learn more efficiently is an important issue for teaching. Due to the popularization of handheld device and the internet, learning also gradually keeps up with the globalization and liberalization. In this research, Android related technology is applied to build an evaluation platform for applied mechanics. It includes a cloud database for teachers to edit the questions or upload some relevant videos and reference. An application program for Android device is also developing for evaluation purpose. A knowledge map is also set up to provide learning suggestions. Differentiate the difficulty parameters are applied to distinguish qualification for each problem. From the demonstration, the system developing for this research show these following characteristics: instant and convenient management of the cloud database, user interface is friendly, conducted processes of solving question and diagnostic aspects for student by using knowledge map. Finally, some practical trial are arranged and feedback are collected to modify the evaluation system is processed. It is shown that most of the students have a very high willingness to use this system to prepare the exam. The other users also think that evaluation system is really helpful for learning applied mechanics. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070251219 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/141250 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |