標題: 應用手持裝置於現地評估-以校舍耐震初步評估為例
Application of Handheld Devices for in-situ Evaluations - Preliminary Seismic Assessment of School Buildings as an example
作者: 何文平
Ho, Wen-Ping
Lin, Chang-Yu
關鍵字: 現地評估;手持裝置;Android;In-Situ Evaluations;Handheld Devices;Android
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 近幾年智慧型手持裝置快速的發展,幾乎已經到了人人都將擁有智慧型手機的時代,而手持裝置強大的地方,就是讓生活更加的便利,資訊的往來更加快速,在土木工程領域裡也漸漸的搭上了這股潮流。利用手持裝置的輕便性可以將許多第一手的資料,簡單容易的放入專屬的應用程式當中,並且利用簡單的後方處理得到一個結果,本研究就以這個想法為出發點,探討初步評估法,藉以輔助評估人員,快速的瞭解建築物耐震能力,方便進行後續行動。 本研究利用 Eclipse 開發環境搭配 Java 語言在Android作業系統平台上開發App(Application Program),達到快速收取資料,快速取得結果的優勢,並且會在撰寫系統的過程中提供許多提示、圖形、範例。最後,本研究進行的範例中,可以觀察出本研究成果利用智慧型手持裝置建立程式可提供工程師一便利之現地資料收集與評估的工具。
The popularity of smart handheld devices is growing rapidly, and brings a lot of convenience to user's lives. A lot of applications have been developed to many aspects, including science and engineering. This paper looks forward to discuss the possibility of utilize handheld devices in the field of civil engineering. Handheld devices can be used as a handy tool to collect important information, and then through a simple calculation to get a preliminary evaluation. From this point of view, this research explores the process of preliminary seismic assessment, set up an application for smart handheld devices in order to assist evaluate personnel to perform in-situ The popularity of smart handheld devices is growing rapidly, and brings a lot of convenience to user's lives. A lot of applications have been developed to many aspects, including science and engineering. This paper looks forward to discuss the possibility of utilize handheld devices in the field of civil engineering. Handheld devices can be used as a handy tool to collect important information, and then through a simple calculation to get a preliminary evaluation. From this point of view, this research explores the process of preliminary seismic assessment, set up an application for smart handheld devices in order to assist evaluate personnel to perform in-situ evaluation of seismic capacity of buildings. An application program on Android developing in Eclipse environment with Java language was established for rapid in-situ collection of data and results. A lot of user friendly user interfaces have been design to provide tips, graphics and examples. Finally, from the working illustration, the application proves the ability for applying smart handheld device as a handy data collection tool for engineers.


  1. 658001.pdf

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