標題: 從AT&T併購時代華納看數位匯流趨勢對中華電信之機會與挑戰
A Study on the Opportunities and Challenges for Chunghwa Telecom in the Trend of Digital Convergence: a Case Study of the Merger of AT&T and Time Warner
作者: 黃郁芬
Wang, Sue-Fung
Pao, Hsiao-Tien
關鍵字: 數位匯流;AT&T;時代華納;中華電信;併購;Digital Convergence;AT&T;Time Warner;Chunghwa Telecom;Merger & Acquisition
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 全球寬頻網路及行動上網服務之普及,數位匯流發展條件趨於完備,產業界線逐漸模糊,各國電信業者面臨營收成長趨緩之壓力下,除了在核心能力持續深耕外,亦須透過跨出產業尋求合作加速產業結構轉型及新商業模式之發展。本研究以個案研究方式,從了解全球電信、媒體及OTT(Over-The-Top)業者目前之競合關係及營運模式,探討AT&T併購時代華納後之營運策略及綜效,將其作為中華電信之借鏡,以M-I-T架構探討中華電信面臨之機會挑戰及策略。 中華電信於制度構面之策略分為外部及內部層面,對外持續透過各管道發聲促成數位匯流相關法案通過,而對內進行組織調整並引進外部資源共同打造優質平台環境及規模,透過內外部調整打造數位匯流環境;於技術面之策略則在於發展數據資訊蒐集分析及平台應用;於市場面則是採取透過制度及技術之推動,由傳統電信服務商轉型為結合內容、網路及數據資訊之數位匯流整合服務,作為5G及物聯網發展之基石。
With the increasingly matured technology of digital convergence, global telecommunication operators are facing the pressure of revenue growth stagnation. Apart from continuous focus on its core capacity, it is necessary to seek for cross-sector cooperation to speed up the transformation under digital convergence and developing new business models. This study discussed the business models, competition and cooperation between telecommunication operators, content producers and over-the-top (OTT) and leverage the operating strategies and potential synergy inspired from the merger of AT&T and Time Warner for Chunghwa Telecom to develop its own strategies in response to digital convergence by employing M-I-T Theory framework. From the three perspectives, which is market, institution and technology, this study identified the strategies that Chunghwa Telecom may consider building its competitiveness in the wave of digital convergence (i) Institution: lobby congress to have the digital convergence acts passed to build a fair competition environment as well as spin off and look for other strategic investors to jointly develop premium content and scale up users in these platforms; (ii) Technology: enhance the technology of collecting and utilizing big data and develop interaction technology and related business models between content producers and platforms; and (iii) Market: take advantage of the measures aforementioned to transform and differentiate Chunghwa Telecom as an integrated total solution provider of content, internet connection and big data.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463909
Appears in Collections:Thesis