Title: 台灣餐飲業經營效率之研究 -以上市櫃公司為例
A Study on the Operating Efficiency of Taiwan’s Catering Industry - A Case Study of Listed Companies
Authors: 楊奕晴
Yang, Yi-Ching
Shieh, Hwai-Shuh
Keywords: 資料包絡法;經營績效;財務績效;台灣餐飲業;上市櫃公司;data envelopment analysis;operating efficiency;Taiwan’s catering industry;public listed company
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本研究針對台灣餐飲業之經營效率的探究且以上市櫃公司為例。研究對象選擇七家台灣上市櫃餐飲公司,研究期間為民國102年至民國105年。研究方法為資料包絡法之投入導向CCR,其投入項選以薪資費用與營業費用,則產出項選以營業收入。另外再加上環境變數與效率值的探討。以及效率值與財務績效進行研究,其財務績效指標選擇以資產報酬率(ROA)與股東權益報酬率(ROE)。 其研究結果於效率值部分,民國102年與103年效率值為1的是安心與雅茗-KY,則104年與105年效率值為1的是安心與美食-KY。則餐飲業總體效率值,於102年效率值為0.801,103年效率值為0.821,104年效率值為0.858,則105年效率值為0.834。另一部分,效率值與財務績效之關係的結果,效率值與資產報酬率的結果為不顯著,則效率值與股東權益報酬率的結果亦為不顯著。
This study explored the operating efficiency of catering industry in Taiwan and took a case study method that included Taiwanese public listed companies. We selected seven Taiwanese catering listed companies as the objects of this study. The current research spanned from 2013 to 2016. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) model was used, and the model considers two inputs (salary cost and operating expenses) and one output (operating income). In addition, we discussed the relationship between efficiency and financial performance. The financial performance considers two variables: return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE). The results of efficiency showed that An Hsin and Yummy Town (Cayman) Holdings Corporation were the most efficient in 2013 and 2014, and that An Hsin and Gourmet Master Co. Ltd were the most efficient in 2015 and 2016. On the other hand, the relationship between efficiency and financial performance was not significant.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453716
Appears in Collections:Thesis