標題: 台灣消費性IC設計公司經營績效之研究-資料包絡分析法之應用
An Empirical Study on Measuring Performance for Consumer IC Design Houses in Taiwan-application of Data envelopment analysis
作者: 簡巧菱
Chiao-Ling Chien
Po-Young Chu
關鍵字: 資料包絡分析法;消費性IC設計業;經營績效;Malmquist生產力指數;Data envelopment analysis;Consumer IC design industry;Operating efficiency;Malmquist
公開日期: 2006
摘要: IC設計業為我國重要產業,產品種類更是包羅萬象,本研究針對其中的消費性IC設計公司,以2000到2005年的表現作評比,採用資料包絡分析法為分析工具,比較其績效優劣並給予改善建議。 研究結果顯示,表現較好的企業為松翰和凌陽,表現最差的則是駿億和普格,遂將研究結果歸納為以下三點結論: (1)表現優與劣之廠商,兩者間的差距甚大。整體而言,台灣消費性IC設計產業的效率並不佳,且主要原因是規模無效率。 (2)大致來說,台灣消費性IC設計業歷年的生產力表現呈現逐年下滑的情形,儘管有某幾年因為生產效率的提高而使得生產力提升,但是均無法有效維持。 (3)由Malmquist 生產力指數分析可知台灣消費性IC設計廠商生產力低落的癥結為技術開發能力有待加強,因此台灣的廠商需要加強創新和開發新技術的能力,如此一來才能有效提升生產力和國際競爭力。
The IC design industry is a very important industry in Taiwan, it includes diverse products fields. In this paper, we use DEA to evaluate the performances of consumer IC design house and the test period is from 2000 to 2005, and we wish to provide some suggestions that could be the improving references with inefficiency of DMU. The output shows that Sonix and SUNPLUS have better performances, but King Billion and Prescope are the worst. The empirical result of this paper are as follow: (1)The difference between the best and the worst companies is conspicuous. Generally speaking, the evidence shows that most of the inefficiencies in Taiwan's IC design houses come from scale inefficiency. (2)The productivity of Taiwan's IC design industry is declined year by year. Although in certain years it rises due to the modification of effiency, it doesn't hold effectively. (3)From Malmquist TFP Index analysis, we find the key point of the weak productivity of Taiwan's IC design houses is that they are short of ability to innovation. So Taiwan’s companies have to attend better to technical developments with the aim of enhancement of the productivity and international competitiveness.