標題: 透過製程試驗的設計 - 以膠合板為例
Design Through Prototyping - Design Projects Based on Plywood
作者: 沈余澔
Lin, Ming-Huang
關鍵字: 膠合板;製程;原型;個人生產;單板;曲木;材質;實驗性;產品設計;Plywood;Processes;Prototype;Self-production;veneer;Bent Plywood;Materials;Experimental;Product Design
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 當談論到劃時代的經典作品,免不了與新的製作技術或者新的材質相關,但並非 每位設計師都有機會結合最新的科技於作品中,所以應用現有技術製作出創新的作品, 是每位新銳設計師都可能面臨的挑戰。 而現今工業設計發展出個人生產的思維,以立即且少量的作品直接面對買家。本 論文創作延續此背景,選擇以「 design through prototyping 」的方式,在低成本、低設 備需求的條件下探索材質,並透過一連串的材質實驗發展出獨有的設計語彙。 本研究首先簡述近代工業設計背景,以及以材料及製程為主題創作的成功案例, 並整理出以個人生產為前提之下,可以作為本設計創作的參考依據。最後從案例分析 中,歸納出創作要點:(1)結合異材質。(2)改變現有製程。 基於文獻探討,本設計創作聚焦於探索彎曲膠合板的技術,先從材質實驗發展出 不同構想,最後收斂為三件作品呈現。分別為(1)磁木凳,在膠合板中加入磁鐵,發 展出能快速拆裝收納的椅凳。(2)環形光影,以挑戰環形膠合板為出發點製作燈具, 並在環形膠合板上呈現不間斷的亮暗漸層。(3)軟木凳,以彎曲膠合板製程探索軟木 片,最後以外層單板內層軟木呈現,除呈現視覺的層次感,也同時保留單板的耐用性 及軟木的細膩觸感。
When we mention classical industrial design, it always relates to innovation of applying new material or new process. However, not every designer has the opportunity to apply new technology to his design. Using existing material and manufacture process is always the important issue in design. Nowadays, the latest trend of industrial design is “self-production” which refers a new model based on rapid manufacturing in small quantities. Because of the background of self- production, “design through prototyping” is chosen to be the research method of this thesis. By utilizing low-cost equipment, materials are put through a series of experiments that aim to develop a unique design language. The research process of this thesis begins with a brief discussion of the industrial design of the time and the research of prestigious design-makers, followed by the references to this literature which are in the context of self-production. In the end, two significant points are summarized as below: (1) Applying different materials; (2) Redesigning existing process. Based on the literature, the experiment process of bending plywood is the crucial focus in the thesis. It begins with multiple material experiments resulting in three design projects (1) N-S Stool: Through applying magnet between veneer, the stool can be assembled, stored and carried easily. (2) From Light to Shade: A project that overcomes the difficulties of making circular plywood. It comes out with a lamp design which presents continuous shade gradient on the surface of the plywood. (3) Plycork Stool: Through the experiment of using plywood process to bend cork, Plycork Stool is composed of two different materials. The outer layer is made of birch veneer to keep the durability of weight while people sitting on it and the base layer adapt cork to present the delicate detail.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070259222