Title: | 虛擬原型應用在產品設計評估可能性之探討--以吹風機和電腦桌為例 A Study on the Feasibility of Using Virtual Prototype in Design Evaluation: A Hair Dryer and a Computer Worktable as an Example |
Authors: | 傅盈璋 Fu yingchang 莊明振 應用藝術研究所 |
Keywords: | 虛擬實境;產品設計;原型;設計評估;virtual reality;product design;prototype;design evaluation |
Issue Date: | 1998 |
Abstract: | 產品設計的過程中,在構想展開後,須評估不同的設計方案;而在設計定案之前,也常須評估最終選擇設計案,在機能、機構、操作、視覺上等方面的合理性。隨設計案大小或評估項目的不同,以往這些評估是透過產品精描圖面(rendering)、或產品原型(prototype)來進行。圖面是2D的,要來評估3D的產品不能逼真。原型雖可逼真,但評估的原型,可能成本很高,且難以製作。因此本研究探討以虛擬實境技術,產生虛擬原型作為設計評估的可能性。選定吹風機(小尺寸)與電腦桌(大尺寸)兩種不同尺寸範圍的產品,經由設計構想各完成三種設計選擇案,並分別製作成手繪產品精描圖、電腦產品精描圖、真正的3D原型及虛擬原型作為評估之媒材,進行不同的產品評估工作。比較分析不同媒材對設計評估行為的影響。本研究礙於時間、技術、經費……等方面限制因素,主要著重在視覺(造形及尺寸方面)的評估,並稍探及操作的人因工程評估之可能性(如:吹風機握把的舒適度、工作桌面高度……等)。研究量化結果顯示:虛擬原型應用在產品開發後期階段-構想具體化階段的評估,在使用現階段的軟體和硬體設備(由本研究所選用和定義),其整體表現,對於小尺寸的評價,有較好的效果;電腦桌的評價,則較不顯著。另外,在評價功能此項,有較好的鑑別力。然而,就整體成效(傳達理解性)而言,虛擬原型是介於實體原型和電腦3D模型建構之間。質化結果顯示(吹風機):虛擬原型主要著重在單獨比較的評估。其在時間軸上的分佈,較為集中有序(A→B→C案)。另外,其著重在造形的評估,即使在中後期階段,也將焦點放於此。再者,也著重在握把的評估。在時間軸的初始階段,先作握把的評價。虛擬原型的團體評價著重在機構、製造以及整體的考量。大體而言,團體評價中的一位受測者,會主控全場,扮演主導者的地位。 In product design process, we have to evaluate various ideas developed from time to time. Also, at the final stage, we must examine the formal, functional and ergonomically aspects of the design alternatives for further improvements and making final decision. In these evaluations, we conventionally count on the expressive tools of either renderings or prototypes. However, as renderings are 2-D drawings, they can't vividly simulate the 3-D products to be built. On the other hand, although prototypes, if well fabricated, can perfectly simulate real products, it may cost much and be difficult to construct. Thus, in the study, we have explored the feasibility of using virtual prototypes in design evaluation. For the consideration of different product sizes, two product designs, a computer worktable and a hair dryer, have been designed in this study. In each product, these design alternatives were selected for evaluation. These design alternatives were presented in 4 kinds of expressive media: rendering, real prototype, computer 3-D modeling and virtual prototype for evaluation. Basically, the evaluation of ergonomics and operation will be discussed too. The results indicated that the application of virtual reality, based upon the current facilities defined in the study, generally perform better in the small-size electronic products, the hair dryer, during the latter stage of product development procedure, the evaluation of the idea embodiment. The significant effect of application of virtual reality large-scaled product; a computer worktable, however, was not evident. In addition, virtual prototype performs better in discriminating the functional evaluation. Generally speaking, the affectivity of virtual prototype in transmitting comprehension, falls between physical prototype and computerized 3D model. The qualitative experiment of hair dryer reflected that virtual prototype performed significantly better in the evaluation of single case comparison. Compared with the physical prototype and computerized models, the distribution pattern of time axis in virtual prototype was more centered and orderly (A→B→C case). On the other hand, focus of the evaluation of form lasted long to the middle to latter development stage in the application of virtual prototype. Moreover, the evaluation of handle design was emphasized. In the initial stage along the time axis, the evaluation handle design was first performed. The group evaluation, when virtual prototype was applied, put much emphasis upon mechanism, manufacture, and overall consideration. In most cases, there would be a subject in the team that would act as the dominant decision maker. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/64872 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |