標題: 保險產業的轉型之路:以南山人壽為例
Transformation of Insurance Industry - Case Study of Nan Shan Life Insurance Company
作者: 林舒安
Lin, Shu-An
關鍵字: 壽險業;南山人壽;轉型;個案;經營模式比擬;Insurance;Nan Shan Life;Transformation;Case Study;Business Model Comparison
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 台灣保險業自1947年第一家保險公司成立以來,歷經開放外商進入與國內本土公司蓬勃發展、2008年金融海嘯導致外商壽險公司撤退潮,壽險業版圖發生重大改變,乃至於金融科技崛起,對傳統壽險公司帶來極大挑戰。 南山人壽成立五十四年來,與台灣壽險業一起經歷起伏更迭,本論文以南山人壽為個案,介紹南山的過去與現在,從企業文化、經營理念、客戶服務等面向探討保險業的轉型之路,並透過經營模式比擬,藉由介紹沃爾瑪、星巴克及亞馬遜三個小個案成功的核心價值,類推南山人壽以客戶為中心的理念及以人為本,關懷在地的企業文化,才是公司能長期發展並持續不墜的成功之道。
Insurance industry in Taiwan began from 1947, when the first insurance company started, and went through booming stage after opening to foreigner, during financial crisis in 2008, many foreign insurance companies divested from Taiwan, resulted in the change of insurance industry territory. nowadays, FinTech rise, which is another challenge to the traditional insurance industry. Nan Shan Life has been established for 54 years, and experienced all the ups and downs, this case study introducing the past and present of Nan Shan Life, exploring it’s transformation from the perspectives of corporate culture, business philosophy and customer service, also analogizing the spirit of customer-centric and people oritented will be the way to successful by business model comparison of Walmart, Starbucks and Amazon.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463915