標題: 學術機構毒性化學物質管理系統建置研究
The Design and Implementation of A Toxic Chemicals Management System in An Academic Institution
作者: 游育欣
Yu, Yu-Hsin
Chen, Chiun-Hsun
Yu, Shuh-Woei
關鍵字: 學術機構;毒化物運作管理;實驗室環安管理系統;人工作業;系統管理;Toxic Substances Management;Computerized Laboratory Management System;User Experience and ISO 9241-210
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 學術機構因屬研究性質,所使用的毒性化學物質(以下簡稱毒化物)種類多但用量少,且實驗場所分散各館舍,各運作行為皆由實驗場所自行管理,而學生高流動率的特性,導致毒化物運作管理不易與災害無法有效預防。本研究主要以國內某大學為例,針對校園毒化物運作管理的特性與需求,以客製化方式規劃與建置一套可符合法令規範與功能完善的實驗室環安管理系統,期能改善毒化物運作管理、申報及查詢統計相關運作資料,並整合危害應變資訊與緊急通報功能。 問卷調查統計結果平均約75%之使用者認同本研究系統整體品質與功能效益,四項評估指標構面之認同度大小為組織管理效益(86.45%)>使用者滿意度(78.71%)>系統品質(68.00%)>資訊品質(67.10%)。另研究結果顯示學術機構以系統管理毒化物運作相較過去人工作業可減少7/8請購時間與3/4申報時間,而填報資料錯誤率由6~8%降至1%以下(約小於5筆),呈現系統管理於縮減申報時間與減少資料填報錯誤有相當大的效益。此外,針對系統建置前後工作負荷影響分析,整體總計系統管理可較過去人工作業減少約一半的工作量,而導入系統後最大的效益即為降低校方管理者之申報作業時間,總結系統管理對各單位衍生的效益大小為校方管理人員>系所環安管理人員>實驗場所人員。 本研究個案於建置成本上需投入大量經費,然於管理單位人力有限下,雖短時間內無法平衡所投入的建置費用,惟對於學術機構整體毒化物運作管理與防災應變上,確實有助於降低管理者之人力負荷與提升管理成效。 關鍵詞:學術機構、毒化物運作管理、實驗室環安管理系統、人工作業、系統管理
The top priority of most research laboratories of academic institutions focuses on advanced studies. Unlike operating companies, sound chemical management of research activities is much more difficult to achieve because of the scattered locations of laboratories, high turn-over rate of graduate students or research assistants, the use of various yet small amount of chemicals and toxic substances, lack of safety awareness, and the tendency of departments and institutes to manage all business activities independently. Consequently, laboratory accidents involving chemicals in Taiwan’s higher education institutions continue to occur. Objective of this study is to design and implement a web-based toxic chemicals management system to alleviate above-mentioned laboratory safety management issues since strict compliance requirements are imposed by Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration and the local city or county Environmental Protection Bureau. The current project is an extension of an existing chemical management system at a university. The fundamental principles of User Experience, described in depth in ISO 9241-210, are adopted in the system design. The University’s computerized Environmental and Safety management System covers 4 areas such as laboratory management, toxic substances management, emergency response management and general chemicals management. The current study primarily focuses on the toxic substances management subsystem. The subsystem’s functions are procurement authorization, exchange platform, use and verification, tabulation and inventory compilation, suppliers’ information area. Information required by the local environmental protection bureau such as monthly or quarterly reports on toxic substances control is generated automatically by the system. This particular function saves lots of manpower and effectively prevents human errors. Since user acceptance is key to the success of the management system, questionnaires were issued to department/or institute laboratory management personnel, designated laboratory safety management personnel seeking their comments and recommendations. Survey results indicate that 75% of the respondents provide positive feedback. Overall rating of the computer system is in the following order: Organization and Management Efficiency with 86.45% approval rate, User Satisfaction being 78.71% approved, System Quality being 68.00% agreed to, and finally, Information Quality with an approval rate of 67.10%. In addition to the ease of use, easy access to laboratory base line information, increased accuracy of toxic substances inventory and management, etc., the reduced manpower to fulfill regulatory requirement will result in an estimated Return-of-Investment around 3 years. Keywords: Toxic Substances Management, Computerized Laboratory Management System, User Experience and ISO 9241-210
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070161009