Title: MOOC平台內之使用者自編系統設計
A Design of User=Editable System under a MOOC Platform
Authors: 李昱瑾
Li, Yu-Jin
Li, Han-Lin
Keywords: 開放式線上課程;MOOC;學習地圖;學習歷程檔案;Opening online course;MOOC;learning map;e-Portfolio
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 大規模線上課程(MOOCs)為重要的學習方式,但現存的平台缺乏使用者自編內容的功能。本研究利用程式化資料結構及圖形編輯功能,實作一使用者自編系統I-EDITOR掛在HowMOOC 2.0平台上。學生可以利用I-EDITOR編輯個人學習地圖與個人履歷,作為成果記錄與能力展示的工具。
MOOC has become a popular learning method in recent years, but many of MOOCs do not allow users to edit personal contents. This research aims at designing a user-editable system, so called I-EDITOR, based on the programmability of data structure and dynamic graphs. I-EDITOR is designed under the MOOC platform, HowMOOC 2.0, which can be applied to develop personal learning maps and personal profiles, and is convenient to share information with others.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353412
Appears in Collections:Thesis