Title: P2P保險之共保人推薦機制
Co-insurers Recommendation Mechanism for P2P insurance
Authors: 林宜諺
Keywords: P2P保險;共同保險;社群網路;社群推薦;P2P insurance;co-insurance;social network;recommendation
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 隨數位技術發展,P2P保險平台基於去中介化與風險共享特性,使互助保險再次受到重視。近來P2P保險平台帶來革命性的改變,但此類平台多缺乏能夠輔助使用者透過應用社群網路的力量,找到共同保險的保戶並形成群組的機制,因此,本研究提出一個應用於P2P保險的社群共保人推薦系統,其中透過社群推薦和信任機制,分析保險人的保險意願、保險人之間的關係與影響度,讓保險人更有效率地找到合適的共保人,藉以提升P2P保險的滿意度與使用意願。
As P2P business model became more popular in the insurance industry, it properly brings out the core function of insurance: risk management in the risk-sharing community. Nowadays, P2P insurance platform is prospering through financial technology, but it rarely utilizes the power of social networks to assist insurers to find their co-insurers. In addition, the current online platform is difficult to find a suitable co-insurers group without risk considering. In this research, we proposed a social-based recommendation mechanism for insurers through analyzing users’ inclination, posts, background, similarity, and relationship, to provide proper recommendations to further improve the usage of P2P insurance and reduce the risk in the risk-sharing group.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353440
Appears in Collections:Thesis