标题: 光纖光柵基樁應變與位移監測
Fiber Bragg Grating Based Strain and Deflection Monitoring for Pile Foundation
作者: 蔣博皓
Jiang, Bo-Hao
Huang, An-Bin
Shan, Hsin-Yu
关键字: 打樁分析;應變計;模型基樁;光纖光柵;pile driving analysis (PDA);strain gauge;pile model;fiber Bragg grating (FBG)
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 近年來光纖光柵感測在土木工程的應用已成為一種較新的應變感測技術。本研究主要目的是研發能夠承受 (pile driving analysis) PDA試驗以及對樁身進行長期監測之光纖光柵應變計,運用光纖光柵具抗潮濕、不怕雷擊、不易受電磁波干擾,以及能於單一線路上進行多點量測之優勢改善電子儀器之缺陷,於本論文中詳細記載光纖光柵應變計之研發過程,以及對應變計進行簡易之標定與測試,以便達到初探之目的。另外配合光纖光柵模型基樁進行簡易側推變形測試,模擬光纖光柵應變計安裝於基樁上是否能夠在樁受力時完整的將樁的變形呈現出來。最後將研究成果紀錄於本論文中,並且提供未來需要從事相關研究之人員一個參考依據。
Optical fiber Bragg grating (FBG) based sensing technique has gain popularity as a means of strain measurement in civil engineering. The main purpose of this research is to develop an FBG-based strain gauge that can be used for pile dynamic load testing and for long-term monitoring. Taking advantage of the merits of FBG such as moisture tolerance, immunity to lighting and electromagnetic interference (EMI) and multiplexing, the new design using FBG as the sensing element can replace conventional electronic devices. The thesis describes the detailed design, calibration and testing for the new FBG-based strain gauge. In addition, an FBG-based model pile was developed for laboratory lateral load testing. The pile can be used to investigate the load condition and the deformation of a prototype pile. The research results are recorded in this thesis for future references.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070451256