標題: 基於BIM和物聯網技術的施工現場實時自動化安全管理系統框架之研究
The Research of Autonomous Real-time Safety Management System Framework on Construction Site Based on the BIM and IOT Technology
作者: 趙旖晗
Chao, I-Han
Dzeng, Ren-Jye
關鍵字: 施工現場;安全管理;BIM;物聯網;Construction Site;Safety Management;BIM;IOT
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 營造業作為重要的支柱產業,也是工業部門中非常危險的行業。建築業是事故多發行業,每年都有幾百起安全事故發生,在帶來巨大經濟損失的同時,也造成人員的傷亡和由此引發的家庭破碎等社會問題的後果更加難以衡量。雖然政府和社會對於施工安全非常重視,但當前實際建築施工項目安全管理的方法和技術手段還比較落後,尤其是資訊技術的應用方面,安全事故得不到有效的控制。 近幾年,建築資訊模型技術在建築業中得以快速發展、推廣和應用,改變了建築領域傳統的經營管理模式,帶動了建築業巨大的技術革新BIM 在建築協同設計、施工管理、建築構件預製、物業管理等領域已經得到了廣泛的實施和應用。物聯網技術目前在國際上已經屬於比較成熟的技術,已經廣泛運用在供應鏈管理、醫療衛生、電子商務、加工製造業、服務業等諸多領域,目前物聯網技術在建築業主要應用於建築構件的識別和追蹤,帶來了巨大的效益。 本文引入建築業中最先進BIM和物聯網技術對施工安全問題進行研究,在分析安全管理現狀和安全事故發生機理的基礎上,分析將BIM和物聯網技術應用於建設項目安全管理的適用性,構建實時自動化安全管理系統的框架,研究面向安全維度的建築資訊模型、施工過程安全監控和預警模型、應急模型。最後詳述系統的運作流程通過相關研究驗證其可行性,提出安全系統應用的建議。
As an important pillar industry, the construction industry is a very dangerous industry. The construction industry is the accident-prone industry. Hundreds of accidents occur every year,resulting in huge economic losses and casualties which lead to broken families and other social issues, whose consequences are difficult to measure. Although the government and society pay much attention to construction safety, the construction project safety management methods and techniques are still relatively backward. Safety accident cannot be effective controlled especially in the aspect of IT application. In recent years, building information modeling develops rapidly and has been increasingly applied in construction industry, changing the traditional management pattern and animating great technical innovation in the construction field. BIM has been widely implemented and applied in collaborative design, construction management, architectural precast component and property management, etc. IOT technology is a relatively mature technology globally, which has been widely used in supply chain management, medical treatment and public health, E-commerce, processing and manufacturing, services and many other areas, bringing great benefits. With the further development of IOT technology, IOT technology is gradually applied in building products identification and tracking, etc.in the construction industry. This research brings BIM and IOT technology into the study of construction safety management to analyze the applicability of BIM and IOT technology applied to the construction projects safety management and establish a framework for autonomous real-time safety management system, analyze security-oriented building information model, the construction safety monitor and early warning model and the emergency model. This paper describes the system’s operation process and verifies the feasibility of the system by relative researches. Finally, this article puts forward application suggestions and countermeasures.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070451290