標題: 以電化學沉積二氧化錳包覆之金奈米結構於碳纖維表面於鋰離子電池之應用
Electrochemical Deposition of MnO2 Nanosheets on Au Nanothorns Covered Carbon Fiber and Application for Li-ion Battery
作者: 林唯明
Lin, Wei-Ming
關鍵字: 金奈米結構;二氧化錳;電池;gold nanostructure;MnO2;batteries
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 現代社會對鋰離子電池的需求越來越高,效能更好的電池也因此為人所探討。由於二氧化錳擁有地球含量高、低成本及對環境友善等特性,近年來被廣泛應用於鋰離子電池。本篇研究以二氧化錳包覆之金奈米結構於碳布為負極材料,透過簡單、低成本的氧化還原步驟來合成極片。應用於鋰離子電池之陽極,在100mA g-1 的充放電速率下反應50圈後能達到約930 mAh g-1 之電容值。因此,我們期望利用所合成之極片組成的鋰離子電池能於未來供應電子裝置使用。
The next-generation lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) with high efficiency are needed to power future advanced electric vehicles. To advance its performance, MnO2 has been recently employed in Li-ion battery because of its low cost, high abundance and environmental friendliness. In this study, electrodes were fabricated via electrochemical deposition to grow MnO2 nanosheets (NSs) on Au nanothorns (NTs) covered carbon fiber. With proper selecting reaction condition including solution concentration and voltage, we grow Au NTs on carbon fiber to increase the interior conductivity and decrease the resistant of the electrode. Then MnO2 was electroplated from Mn(NO3)2(aq) ,growing on the pre-synthesized Au@CF electrode. As a result, an as-fabricated anode demonstrated a capacity of 927.14 mAh g-1 after 50 discharge/charge cycles with a current density 100 mA g-1.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070452458
Appears in Collections:Thesis