Title: 品牌權益與產品屬性對消費者購買智慧型手機行為之影響
A study on the influence of Brand Equity and Product Attribute on Consumer Behavior for Smartphone
Authors: 郭婉寧
Kuo, Wan-Ning
Chen, Quan-Hua
Keywords: 智慧型手機;消費者行為;產品屬性;品牌權益;smartphone;consumer behavior;product attribute;brand equity
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 近年來,人手一台智慧型手機已是相當普遍的一個情況了,它與我們的生活息息相關,由於上網的限制性被打破,人們可隨時隨地查詢資料,因此許多相應的手機軟體應運而生,一些身在異地會碰到的問題,如今也都可以輕鬆解決。在面對市面上各式各樣的智慧型手機時,品牌以往是影響消費者購買決策時的關鍵因素之一。也因智慧型手機已達相當普及的情況了,競爭是越來越激烈,消費者在做購買決策時,首要考慮的似乎不再是以品牌為最主要的考量了,而是更重視智慧型手機這個產品本身的屬性,每個消費者對於智慧型手機重視的功能屬性皆不同,消費者他們在購買時,他們買的不僅僅是智慧型手機本身,同時也包含它能為消費者帶來什麼利益或是能幫助消費者解決什麼問題,此為本研究重點。
In recent, almost everyone has a smartphone. Somebody even can’t live without it. We can use it anywhere, use it to search what we want to know, almost use it to do everything and solve many problems immediately. The corresponding apps come into being. Smartphone is so common that the brand equity apparently becomes more important. It’s a key factor that influences consumers’ decision making.
The market of smartphones is very competitive. Instead of regarding the brand as the primary consideration, consumers pay more attention to the smartphone itself when making their decisions. Consumers pay attention to the different attributes of smartphones. The smartphones they buy not only just the products, but also contain the benefits they bring or the problems they solve for the consumers.
The study uses Aaker’s brandy equity model as the frame of the study and also uses EKB model as the base of the consumer behavior. Consumers who have bought the smartphone before are the survey objects, and 421 valid questionnaires are collected and use SPSS to do the statistical analysis.
The result shows that different demographic variables have significant difference on product attribute and brand equity. Moreover, the influence of product attribute is stronger than brand equity. Finally, based on this study, it is proposed the suggestions for the industry’s information with regard to the brand strategies and arising the consumer’s brand awareness. Also, pay more attention to the product attributes of smartphone to attract more consumers’ attention.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453734
Appears in Collections:Thesis