標題: 透過液晶透鏡陣列達到具有深度資訊之光場與2D影像混合型顯示器
Light Field / 2D Hybrid Display with Depth Perception by Using Liquid Crystal Micro-lens Array
作者: 李昕學
Lee, Hsin-Hsueh
Shieh, Han-Ping
Huang, Yi-Pai
關鍵字: 液晶透鏡陣列;光場顯示器;高阻值材料;混合型平面及立體顯示器;Liquid crystal Micro-lens array;light field display;Hybrid display;High resistance material
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 隨著顯示器的快速發展以及科技技術的爆炸性進步,立體顯示器已被應用在不同的地方,例如:電影、廣告、展覽等等,最常見的是電影院中的3D電影,還有一些遊樂設施的3D特效,都是透過3D眼鏡達到非常好的視覺3D效果。甚至在醫療上也有其貢獻。然而在立體顯示器中有些許問題造成立體顯示器還沒辦法像傳統的液晶顯示器來的普及。其中最大的問題出在傳統立體顯示器容易造成人眼視覺疲勞或暈眩(Visual fatigue、Accommodation- Convergence conflict),尤其是需要配戴3D眼鏡的3D顯示器。雖然有些方法被提出來解決這些問題,比如:全像、體積式3D、光場技術,但這些技術仍然有些需要改進的 例如:視角小、體積大等等。 於是在本論文中我們提出一種新型的顯示器稱為混合型顯示器(Hybrid Display)。利用快速切換立體影像模式以及二維高解析度平面影像模式和透過人眼視覺暫留而觀察到一個不失解析度且真實重建出的立體影像。不僅利用光場技術解決視覺暈眩的問題也可以用高解析度的二維平面影像去補償光場系統中影像所喪失的解析度。此外,在混合型顯示器中,我們利用液晶透鏡陣列以及扭曲向列型液晶(Twisted Nematic )元件的搭配擔任切換混合型顯示器中兩個模式的重要角色。
With the explosive development and improvement of technology, 3D displays have been used in different applications. For examples: movie、advertisement、exhibition and so on. In daily life. Also, these 3D displays use 3D glasses to achieve 3D effect. Even in medical field also has 3D displays applications. However, 3D displays have some issues which result in the unpopularity of 3D display in daily life. One main issue is visual fatigue which may cause by accommodation- convergence conflict (A.C. conflict), especially in stereoscopic 3D displays. Although there are many technologies can solve this issue ex: holography, volumetric 3D display, light field and so on. These technologies still have defects, such as small viewing angle, too large, resolution sacrificed. In this thesis, a new type display called Hybrid Display was proposed. In Hybrid Display, observers can see the full resolution image with depth information by fast switching 3D image mode and full resolution 2D image mode and merged by visual persistence. Therefore, Hybrid Display not only can solve A.C. conflict by using light field technology but also compensate the resolution of light field 3D image. Liquid crystal micro-lens array and Twisted Nematic devices were taken and played an important role in switching two modes in hybrid display.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070450606
Appears in Collections:Thesis