Title: | 後設認知融入問題解決數位課程對國小學生科學概念建構與問題解決之影響 The impact of metacognition embedded problem solving digital learning content on 6th grade students’ scientific concepts' construction and problem solving |
Authors: | 莊明樺 佘曉清 Chuang, Ming-Hua She, Hsiao-Ching 教育研究所 |
Keywords: | 數位化問題解決學習課程;後設認知;模擬實驗;problem solving digital learning content;metacognition;simulation experiment |
Issue Date: | 2017 |
Abstract: | 本研究企圖探討將後設認知融入科學問題解決數位學習課程,對國小學生的科學問題解決能力與科學概念建構之影響。本研究採用準實驗設計,研究對象為新北市某國小六年級的學生,以便利抽樣的方式,採用了四個常態編班的班級,總共118位學生。依研究設計分為兩組學習模式,其中後設認知融入問題解決組(N=59人)接受後設認知融入數位化問題解決課程,而問題解決組(N=59人)則接受數位化問題解決課程。兩組的課程內容均相同,由四個單元所組成,每個單元各包括兩個主題(共八個主題):太陽與影子、太陽與四季;氧氣、二氧化碳;繡球花花色、酸鹼指示劑;彈力、摩擦力,分布在一整個學期課程中的八個星期。在學習前、後與學習後五星期,接受科學概念、科學主題相依推理、科學問題解決三種測驗。研究結果除了分析與比較兩組學生在學習前後的差異,同時針對兩組學生在進行數位化問題解決課程學習時,其問題解決學習歷程、後設認知學習歷程、操作模擬實驗歷程,進行質性分析與量化統計,藉此以深入瞭解學生在學習過程中的變化情形。
同時群集分析的結果顯示,後設認知融入問題解決組中,屬於高學習表現群組的人數較問題解決組多,而屬於低學習表現群組的人數則較問題解決組少。由此可見,後設認知融入數位化問題解決課程的設計,在提升學生的整體學習表現上,較數位化問題解決課程擁有較佳的成效與優勢。另外,從學習表現群組在科學問題解決測驗的結果來看,在後設認知融入問題解決組方面,三個學習表現群組在後測與追蹤測的成績差距,呈現逐漸縮小的趨勢;而在問題解決組方面,低學習表現群組在後測與追蹤測的成績,相較於高學習表現群組與中學習表現群組的成績,仍皆具有明顯的差距存在。相較於數位化問題解決課程,後設認知融入數位化問題解決課程在促進學生的問題解決能力之優勢上顯而易見。 This study explored the impact of metacognition embedded problem solving digital learning content on 6th grade students’ scientific concepts construction and problem solving. A total of 118 sixth grade students from four classes of an elementary school at New Taipei City were recruited to participate in this study. Students were randomly assigned into two different groups who received metacognition embedded problem solving digital learning content (metacognition embedded problem solving group, MPS, N=59) and problem solving digital learning content (problem solving group, PS, N=59) for eight weeks across a semester, respectively. Both groups received the same scientific problem solving content which covers eight topics for four units: Sun and shadow, Sun and season; Oxygen, Carbon dioxide; Color variety of hydrangea, Acid-base indicator; Elasticity, Friction. All students received scientific conception test, scientific content dependent reasoning test and scientific problem solving tests before, directly after, and five weeks later to learning. In addition, students’ online problem solving process was recorded and analyzed for further comparisons between two groups regarding to the aspects of problem solving abilities. Results indicated that metacognition embedded problem solving (MPS) group significantly outperformed than to the problem solving (PS) group in scientific concepts’ construction, scientific content dependent reasoning ability and scientific problem solving ability. Regarding to the learning process of problem solving, both groups all made significantly progress in their problem solving ability had a significant growth, and MPS group performed even better in the defining problem and developing solution than to PS group. For MPS group, students also made significantally progress in their metacognition ability. For the clustering results, MPS group has greater number of students who were classifying as higher learning performance than to the PS group, whereas MPS group has smaller amount of students who were classifying as lower learning performance than to thte PS groups. Our findings demonstrated MPS students who indeed made better performance than to the PS students, regardless of problem solving, scientific concepts, and scientific concept dependent reasoning. Furthermore, metacognition embedded problem solving learning indeed minimize the gap among high, medium and low learning performance groups than to the problem solving learning. To summary, the use of metacognition embedded problem solving learning indeed do have its uniqueness and advantage which problem solving learning hardly reached. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079848804 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/141535 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |