標題: 密集母職下的關係行銷
Effects of Intensive Mothering on Relationship Marketing in Maternal and infant industry
作者: 王怡惠
Wang, Yi-Hui
Tang, Ying-Chan
關鍵字: 母嬰經濟;密集母職;口碑行銷;社群行銷;消費行為;maternal and infant industry;intensive mothering;word of mouth;social media marketing;consumer behavior
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本文嘗試以社會文化分析脈絡,去解構母嬰作為特殊生命歷程中的消費族群之消費行為內涵,為身處利基市場(niche market)的母嬰產業鏈中的品牌商們建構關係行銷內涵,提供公司能在少子高齡化的社會再創產業新局。隨著當代母親的密集母職內涵擴張,甚至促進更高消費的趨勢—強調愛與陪伴的「母嬰經濟」,這種凌駕在資本主義之上的愛無價的母職內涵,也勾勒出親職的消費行為。 本研究將結合社會學理論,透過產業個案分析探究當代密集母職理論如何驅動母親消費行為,以及母親的慣習、資本與所處場域如何驅動母職實踐;進而以紮根理論進行台灣市場的實證研究,透過爬梳台灣社會脈動、家庭組織變遷以及育兒觀念的流變、新科技介入產業的變革,探究台灣當前的育兒情境脈絡,找出台灣消費者對於實踐親職行為的想像,以及社群意見領袖、醫療專家的教養訊息規訓等口碑傳播,以及政策推展、產業是如何作為驅動因素影響母嬰產品的消費軌跡,推導出關係行銷下的母嬰消費模型,提供品牌經營管理者針對親子市場規劃行銷策略,進而和台灣的母嬰消族群者達成有效益的品牌溝通。
In the era when double income family has grown to be the mainstream, the social construction of intensive mothering, a ideology of parenting style that involves intense and constant love, attention, and mental stimulation given to a child by his or her mother, has created guilt and pressures to the working mothers and therefore enhanced consuming behavior accordingly. For the purpose of understanding the unique consumer behavior in the maternal and infant industry, the study has deconstructed various industry phenomena through the aspect of social-cultural context. And hopefully players in this industrial chain, especially brand vendors focus on niche market, could use the result as a reference to plan its strategy under the challenge of low birth date and aged society. Combining Sociology theory with actual case study, the research has showed how parenting habits, earnings and environmental effects driven the growth of intensive mothering, and how intensive mothering has changed mothers’ consuming behavior. The study also provided an empirical study of Taiwan maternal and infant industry by reconstruct Taiwan’s social-cultural changes, family composition and the evolution of parenting conceptions, as well as new technology involved in the industrial changes. Results found that mother’s consuming behavior model could be influenced by relationship marketing including social media, authority opinion and government policy.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463705
Appears in Collections:Thesis