標題: 新竹市高中學生對補習班行銷策略感受及消費者行為決策因素與個人背景關係之研究
A Study on Perceptions of Cram School Marketing Stategies and Consumer Behavior Decision Factors and Their Relationships with Idividual Backgrounds for High School Students in Hsinchu City
作者: 吳上義
Wu, Shang-Yi
Lin, Chiun-Sin
關鍵字: 教育行銷;補習班;體驗行銷;口碑行銷;education marketing;cram school;experiential marketing;words of mouth marketing
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本研究主要之目的在探討新竹市高中學生對補習班行銷策略之感受及其相關行為決策與個人背景之關係。為達到研究之目的,首先蒐集有關補習教育之研究、行銷理論與消費者行為文獻,建立研究架構與假設,再採用「行銷策略感受調查問卷」為研究工具,取得新竹市高中學生對補習班行銷策略之感受及其決策影響因素,後經敘述性統計、信度分析、效度分析、單變數與多變數線性迴歸分析及集群分析等統計方法進行資料整理與分析。研究結果首先探討不同個人背景變項之新竹市高中學生對高中文理補習班所採取之行銷策略之感受及重視程度,其次探討不同個人背景變項對新竹市高中學生在行為決策因素(體驗因素及口碑因素)的影響性是否有所差異。最後根據統計分析結果提供補習班在行銷策略上之建議及未來行銷策略之發展。 根據研究分析之結果,本研究獲致之結論如以下所述: 在不同個人背景變項對補習班行銷策略之感受與重視程度方面,不同個人背景變項之新竹市高中學生對補習班之產品策略、價格策略與促銷策略之重視程度有顯著差異;而不同個人背景變項之新竹市高中學生對補習班通路策略之重視程度則沒有顯著差異。 而在不同個人背景變項之新竹市高中學生受體驗因素與口碑因素之影響程度的分析結果則為不同個人背景變項的新竹市高中學生受體驗因素之影響對決策有顯著差異,而在口碑因素上則對決策沒有顯著之差異。 根據本研究之分析結果,對補習班行銷策略之建議可分為以下三個構面來進行。在體驗因素方面,由於高中學生對實際體驗因素最為重視,由於高中學生已具有相當高的自主決定權,建議補習班可以多推出讓學生有感或有創意之體驗行銷方式,增加學生實際參與機會,將更有助於增加招生。其次在產品策略(或產品內容)方面,補習班應強化師資陣容與教師授課能力,同時對於補習班之環境或硬體等部分,需要強化或維護,讓學生可以同時得到內外在之舒適及滿足感。最後在通路策略方面,本研究指出高中學生對補習班之文宣或廣告方法並不是很在意。建議補習班可以適度減少文宣甚至電話拜訪之方式,一方面減少資源浪費,另一方面也避免反效果。
The relationships between the individual backgrounds and perceptions or decision behaviors of senior high school students and the marketing strategies of cram school are important for the service suppliers. The study here investigated the relationship between them and submits the effective suggestions to cram school supplier based on the results of statistical analysis. In the study, the perceptions of students with different backgrounds, which are contributed from the marketing strategies of cram schools are investigated first. In second part, the study will investigate the relationships between individual backgrounds and student’s decision behaviors which were influenced by experiential and words of mouth factors. The questionnaires methodology is applied in this study and the data were collected from the students in 2 senior high schools in Hsinchu city. The data was processed and analyzed by SPSS statistical software and the summaries are shown as below. For the relationships between the perception and individual backgrounds, the students’ perceptions which are from various individual backgrounds to the product, price and promotion strategies of cram school are obvious different. But the students’ perceptions of place strategies of cram schools are no difference bewteen various individual backgrounds. Meanwhile, the experiential factor which is from various individual backgrounds would impact students’ decision behaviors based on the results of the research. And the words of mouth factor would not impact final decision behaviors between various individual backgrounds of students. According to the results of the reaearch, there are some suggestions to cram school suppliers are summarized as below. First, the product strategies of cram schools and the experiential factor are two key index and factors for senior school students to influence the decision making. And the cram school suppliers need to focus on their product and even price strategies to attract students to the classes, thus enhance their experiential perception about the cram school. Finally, the place strategies of cram schools are not important for senior high school students and the suppliers may decrease the advertisements or the papers to reduce running cost.