標題: 對話情境、貼圖解讀與社會臨場感之關聯性研究 - 以LINE貼圖為例
A Study of the Relationship between Social Context, Sticker Interpretation and Social Presence in LINE
作者: 顏亦敏
Yen, Yi-Min
Lee, Jiun-De
關鍵字: LINE貼圖;社會臨場感;非語言訊息;符號解讀;對話情境;LINE Sticker;Social Presence;Nonverbal Cues;Sign Interpretations;Social Context
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 非語言訊息在人際互動中扮演重要的角色,隨著科技的進步,於電腦中介環境中傳遞非語言線索的形式更加多元。通訊軟體LINE已然成為台灣重要的溝通通訊軟體,其貼圖不僅只是圖像的展現,亦已成為線上溝通環境重要的溝通形式,具備重要的非語言訊息的傳遞作用,能夠傳遞訊息與特定意義之功能。 本研究目的為探討於電腦中介環境中對話情境、貼圖解讀與社會臨場感之關係,本研究依據文獻回顧,將對話情境與貼圖進行分類,對話情境包含工作取向情境與社會情感情境,而貼圖類型分為三種,包含表象意義、約定俗成與言外之意,並以設為臨場感理論為基礎探索三者關係,解釋不同的管道與不同的符號傳遞,感受到他人於虛擬環境中的存在程度亦不同,即感受到與他人於同一空間之程度。 本研究結果包含:(1)於線上溝通環境中使用貼圖對於社會臨場感有顯著正向影響;(2)個體傾向於不同的對話情境使用不同的貼圖;(3)相較於社會情感情境,個體於工作取向情境下的社會臨場感程度較高;(4)於不同對話情境之下,影響社會臨場感的感知要素不同,對於不同類型的貼圖感受亦不相同。
Nonverbal cues play an important role in the social interaction. Resulted from the rapid growth of online communication tools, several forms in computer-mediated communication (CMC) have been created to convey the nonverbal cues. LINE has become the most popular one of them in Taiwan. The stickers in LINE do not just extend the functions of icons but have became one of the powerful tools conveying the nonverbal cues to enable users to express emotions and to facilitate interaction. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between social context, sticker interpretation and social presence in CMC. Based on the literature review, there are two social contexts in CMC including task-oriented context and socio-emotional context. And stickers can be categorized by Denotation, Index and Connotation. Furthermore, social presence theory has been applied to illustrate the results of this study. According to this theory, the usages of different channels and icons might impact the degrees of how peoples feel together in the same space with others. The results show that (1) the impact of stickers usage toward the degree of social presence was positively significant; (2) users tended to use different types of stickers in different contexts; (3) users felt higher degree of social presence in task-oriented context than in the socio-emotional context; (4) Not just the perceptional elements of social presence, the interpretations of different types of stickers will also be varied because of the impacts of different contexts.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070259109