標題: 消費性電子產品之導光管電腦輔助設計
Computer-Aided Design for Light Pipe in Consumer Electronic Products
作者: 林彥廷
Lin, Yen-Ting
Liu, Tzong-Shi
關鍵字: 導光管;二次光學設計;TracePro;Light pipe;Secondary optical design process;TracePro
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 本論文主要在論述消費性電子產品的導光管設計,以指示類導光管做為研究主軸,探討LED光源如何有效率地運用二次光學設計,透過導光管點亮電子產品上的指示銘板。 消費性電子的導光管必須具備功能性、量產性、組裝性等三要素。本研究整合光學理論、機構設計,歸納出導光管設計原則,並利用TracePro光學模擬軟體結合實際案例,針對以LED為光源的導光管進行模擬、分析,找出導光管曲率及外型輪廓對於光特性所產生的影響要素,用以優化導光管的曲率及外型輪廓,得到出光效率相對較高的最佳方案,再將其優化後的模擬結果套用至實務設計,並觀察出光效率,達到驗證的目的。
The main purpose of this thesis is to study and develop light pipe in consumer electronic products, to use the indicative light pipe for main study topic, then to the optical theory and mechanical design to induce design rules of light pipes and use a TracePro CAE software with real cases to simulate LED light sources, collect the research how to brighten indicative badge by an LED light source with a secondary optical design process. The light pipe of consumer electronic products must be provided with three elements; namely basic functions, easy to manufacture, and easy to assemble. This study applies critical effects of light pipe curve, and outline shape after light pipe optimization. This study implements better simulation parameter in practical design to monitor and identify the light output efficiency between practical cases and simulation cases.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070061110
Appears in Collections:Thesis