Title: 貨櫃碼頭危險品操作風險評估模式之建立
A Risk Assessment Model for Dangerous Goods Operations of Container Terminals
Authors: 楊瑄瑜
Yang, Hsuan -Yu
Chiou, Yu-Chiun
Keywords: 危險品;貨櫃碼頭;風險評估;模糊集合理論;Dangerous goods;Container terminals;Risk assessment;Fuzzy set theory
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 2015年8月12日天津港瑞海國際物流貨櫃中心發生的重大危險品火災爆炸事故,造成重大的人員傷亡及經濟損失。因此,貨櫃碼頭的危險品操作安全性引起全世界政府的重視,而我國貨櫃碼頭危險品操作風險也應建立一套評估模式,藉以掌握潛在的風險項目,進而加以預防與應變。 由於危險品操作的意外紀錄很少,難以蒐集足夠且具代表性之樣本,利用統計分析來辨識其風險項目。基此,本研究乃利用模糊集合理論(Fuzzy Set Theory),以可能性、嚴重度、可偵測性等三項準則考量下,綜合評估危險品類型及作業疏失類型所形成之風險項目,透過專家之專業評估意見,建立貨櫃碼頭危險品操作風險評估模式,以期透過此模式能有效辨識風險項目,俾據以審視檢討各項貨櫃碼頭貨物標準作業流程。 為驗證本模式之可應用性,本研究以Y航運公司貨櫃碼頭危險品之相關作業為例,進行風險項目之評估。研究結果顯示,Y航運公司應優先處理及加強預防的四大風險項目分別為:R1-Class 3易燃液體+隱匿申報、R2-Class 3易燃液體+申報錯誤、R3-Class 3易燃液體+在包裝方式錯誤或品質不良,以及R8-Class 5.1 氧化性物質+隱匿申報。針對本模式所辨識出的高風險項目,則進一步提出相關改善對策。
A dangerous goods explosion accident occurred at Tianjin Port Ruihai International Logistics container center on August 12, 2015 caused tremendous casualties and economic loss. This tragedy attracts lots of attentions on the safety issues of dangerous goods operations at container terminals and implies the importance to develop a risk assessment model for dangerous goods operations at container terminals. Due to rather limited number of accidents of dangerous goods operations, it is difficult to collect sufficient and representative samples to identify risk items based on statistical models. Based on this, this study proposes a risk assessment model composing of three criteria: possibility, severity and detectability based on fuzzy set theory and experts interview. Necessary modifications of current standard operation procedures (SOP) can then be proposed based on the risk items identified by the proposed model. To examine the applicability of the proposed model, a case study on the dangerous goods operations at container terminals of a shipping company, named as Y Company, is conducted. The results show that four identified top-ranking risk items are: Flammable liquid under concealed declaration, Flammable liquid under incorrect declaration, Flammable liquid under impropriate packaging/poor packaging, and Oxidizing substances under concealed declaration. Countermeasures for the top-ranking risk items are then proposed accordingly.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463615
Appears in Collections:Thesis